Saturday, July 27, 2024

Son to regions, increasing medical contribution to vaccines – Chronicle


General practitioners, free-choice pediatricians, pharmacists and other operators of the National Health Service call on regions to “gradually increase” the confirmed contribution to “daily vaccinations” in the interim and intermediate stages of daily vaccination, maintenance, and program development. , Vaccination centers fully operational “. This indication is contained in the document entitled ‘Continued Guidelines for the National Vaccine Campaign’ signed by Extraordinary Commissioner Francesco Pavlo Figliolo and addressed to the regions.

“Then at some point, in anticipation of more reminders, It is important for all physicians, pediatricians, pharmacists and other NHS operators to evaluate the feasibility of bringing as many vaccine measures as possible to the bed of all normal structures of the NHS involved., Without resorting to emergency measures, to develop a stable and sustainable vaccination system over time “. This is the hallmark of the new document.

In the next phase of the anti-Govt vaccination campaign, there was a gradual shift from vaccines to ‘dilocalized vaccines’ in vaccination centers – to provide new ‘vaccination campaign guidelines’ – and more widespread and closer to citizens, which is more than 8O, with the most vulnerable of co-morbidities and reduced mobility Types of immunizations that allow to finish, are not yet fully prevented by the current institutional system and who can reach home or in close proximity to it ”.

Governor of Liguria Giovanni Todi signs a memorandum of understanding in Turin with the Governor of Piedmont Alberto Sirio: Agreement between Piedmont and Liguria To allow citizens of a region who are on summer vacation to be vaccinated “This is not any extravagance, it is the salt of regionalism, it is an important service to the citizens. I do not see anything strange there. I not only warned General Figliolo, but discussed it in detail.” “These efforts are made for the convenience of the citizens, so we believe they are right and fair,” Sirio said, thus responding to allegations against the regions of “extravagance”. “This is the approach we have always followed – he adds when he signed the memorandum on vaccinating tourists with the Ligurian region – because it is in the management of the moat that you clash with the real needs of the people”.

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“I believe that the regions really value the entire national vaccination program. Then, as it is rightly said, it would be useful to expand the targets so as not to leave gaps in the vaccination agendas, so in my opinion it is right to do so,” he said. Massimiliano Petrica, After the commissioner issued a call for coordinated action for the organization regions. The regions “have a great relationship” with General Figliulo. “I think all the regions are doing their best: it is no coincidence that the numbers say that Italy is one of the most vaccinating countries today.” “I ask General Figliolo several times a day,” Petrica reiterated, “there is a better relationship with the regions.” “Thanks to the regions for reaching this significant number of daily vaccinations:” The organization of the campaign “is done with health services by regions”. He concluded, “It is more appropriate to discuss with the commissioner structure than anything else to communicate the need for vaccines and how the vaccine campaign is going.”


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