Saturday, July 27, 2024

Shipping folders: when to know and how to pay


Pending the expiration of the subsequent deferral by the government, and with the financial apparatus preparing to restart at full capacity, the Revenue Agency has published a guide to explain to Italian taxpayers what will happen starting on September 1 with a torrent of tax bills.

All payments subject to suspension in the so-called Sostegni-bis decree may in any case be paid in installments, although to obtain this advantage it will be necessary to submit a specific application by the end of the same September. However, it is not possible to proceed with respect to scrap installments, balance and extracts not paid in 2020: both the first, which expired on February 28, and the second, which expires on March 31, actually have to be paid and no later than next Monday, August 2

Failure to pay unpaid installments automatically results in forfeiture of the benefit easy definition. The following deadlines are indicated in the guide uploaded online by the Revenue Agency: by August 2, installments due in February and March 2020, by August 31, those due on May 31, 2020 (scrapping-ter), by September 30 those due that expired on July 31, 2020 (scrapping-ter, balance and snippet), by October 31, those for scrap expired on November 30, 2020. Next November 30, 2021, payment terms for February, March, May and July installments of the current year expire. Maximum tolerance for late arrivals is 5 days.

The situation is different for tax bills (about 16 million in total) in reference to debts contracted in 2000/2010 and less than 5 thousand euros: the government has permanently stopped collection, a feature that will still be available to a few Italians, given the established income limit. Indeed, the amnesty worries taxpayers who earned less than 30 thousand euros in 2019

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In the event that there are economic difficulties in paying all the expired installments to the IRS by September 30, 2021, it is good to know that the maximum number of missed ones (even if not in a row) entails confiscation From 5 to 10 Installment Plan. Facility covering all types of installments granted by the Revenue Agency for applications submitted until December 31, 2021: A case of apparent economic difficulty in repayment must be documented only for debts exceeding 100,000 euros.


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