Saturday, July 27, 2024

“She was lying down and the guests were taking pictures. My daughter is furious»-


Luxury Hotel, “Voi Colonna Village”, A four star. Sos Aranzos beach – in Golfo Aranci, Gallura – is five minutes away, you can walk. Ferragosto evening. This is the scene that vacationers see at eight o’clock: a row of tables near the pool, on which a refined buffet of sweets appears. Next to the pastries, spread out on the table and appear A girl in a bikini: Belly, legs and arms are completely covered in chocolate.

Since the day before, the hotel staff has been announcing this moment, the expected appearance of the “chocolate statue” several times. The young woman – not much is known about her, she’s in her twenties and a part of the animation team – lays there motionless for a good half hour. “Time to take a picture,” the person who promoted the idea seems to have said.

A few days ago, he had posted in a frenzy LinkedIn The figure he sawA Milan manager in the fifties, who was first careful to pixelate the “statue’s” face, Frederick Mazzierideals with human resources. His words – resumed yesterday New Sardiniato do – bounced everywhere on the internet and social media: “I’m speechless, the female body as an object”. The man was walking by the pool with his fourteen-year-old daughter, who told him to go, disgusted: “Dad, this is bad, this is not a country where you can feel yourself”. The long post includes other questions such as: “How can a woman, a worker’s body, be allowed to equal a role in order to indulge one’s mischievous eye?”.

A program was organized by the village staff It features a staff member who takes care of half an hour of animation. A time when a young woman lay in a fetal position on a white tablecloth on which several rows of sweets were placed. As the saying goes: the buffet is served.

“He had to remain still there, so the photographs were taken – Massieri -. No one else there seemed upset. But for us, the party was over at that point. My daughter, a rational teenager, immediately saw the “female body as an object.” I wondered how a woman’s body, a worker’s body, could be allowed to equal a role to engage someone’s mischievous eye.”

It went viral and got the shocking response of intervention yesterday afternoon You are hotelsThe group’s hotel chain Albitors. «This is a serious event, which in no way represents VOIhotels and its values ​​- this is a published note. LinkedIn —. We apologize again to everyone, as respect for that person is our priority.”

An apology that I appreciated – repeats the manager -. But regardless of episode and context, there is a question of objectification of women in general. I was told by the structure that the 60-year-old manager approved of the inappropriate buffet, that he had little regard for the issue and had no intention of offending anyone. In short, a lightness. No one called me, they only made press releases, but I am reasonably sure that such a thing will not happen in the future».

But whose initial idea was the “chocolate statue” to be displayed on the evening of August 15? Perhaps it came from the animated companions Gekko, Salvo, Giulia, Clarissa, a group of five or six teenagers, although reviews were left in mid-August. Trip Advisor? Can’t say for now. The company only clarifies that there was “inadequate supervision” that led to the “serious error”, but in any case it considers – this is explained. Courier — “Full responsibility for the episode”

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VOIhotels names are not mentioned for «privacy reasons»But some heads have already flown, perhaps the general manager of the hotel, three days ago, on search sites, in jobs like Actually, Careerjet and TrovitA request for a new manager for the 2024 summer season has appeared.

It didn’t take long for outraged political reactions from right to left. “An episode that offends everyone and frankly makes me a little embarrassed,” says Sardinia’s governor. Christian SolinasThe centre-right, talking about a scene «he would never want to see» because «it goes against the true image of Sardinia, a welcoming land».

“Disgraceful episode, disgusting”She says lapidary Alessandra Today, MP from Nuoro and Vice President of M5S. And on his social profile Laura Boldrini, Pd, chairman of the Chamber’s Standing Committee on Human Rights, writes of “a prima facie expression of the lack of respect for women”. Finally there is the Vice President of the Federalbergi. Paul is missing It “speaks of the inexcusable frivolity and bad taste of those who manage the hotel, but I don’t think it’s a coordinated operation of the company”.


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