Friday, July 26, 2024

Android 15 Developer Preview: Download!


Google The first developer preview of Android 15 “Vanilla Ice Cream” was released this evening, a little late compared to the timing indicated by recent days' rumors. Thus begins the path that will lead to the stable release of the next major release of Mountain View's operating system.

As usual, it's me The first devices that will benefit from the new version are Pixel devices Google has provided a timeline that outlines the different stages of the development path. Today we start with the first developer release, we will continue with the second release scheduled for March, and then starting in April, we will move to beta releases. From June, development will enter a more stable phase, reaching full maturity in the fall.

Main news

The preview will allow you to get the first contact with the new version of the operating system that will focus on security, performance, and camera functions. Developer Preview is designed for developers who want to set up their applications and learn about new APIs, and therefore is not recommended for daily use.

Among the new features of Android 15 that Google has already confirmed are:

  • Partial screen sharingwas first introduced with Android 14 QPR2
  • More powerful in-app camera controls For third-party apps, which will allow apps like Instagram to take advantage of all the advanced camera features
  • Improvements to dynamic performance features Thanks to a new power efficiency mode and improved GPU and CPU lifetime reporting
  • New sets of APIs for apps and games will allow this Performance tuning more in sync with thermal characteristics And with those related to hardware power that will become part of the Android Dynamic Performance Framework (ADPF).
  • The latest version of the Privacy Shield Initiative Which replaces third-party cookies in browsers and operating systems
  • Health Connectionwhich includes new types of fitness, nutrition, and other health data
  • New Android 15 FileIntegrityManager APIs– Allowing you to protect files with custom cryptographic signatures, ensuring that data cannot be tampered with or corrupted
  • Android 15 also expands UMP support (Universal MIDI Packages) for Virtual MIDI Applications to allow music editors to control mixing applications as a virtual MIDI 2.0 device,

in In the next few hours, there will be no shortage of more information about the new features offeredSmall changes and modifications that usually improve the user experience on the end user's part and are not always mentioned in the first official change logs.

Still on topic News not confirmed yet Which may (or may not) arrive in the final version of Android 15 indicate the possible return of widgets to the home screen, the ability to save pairs of apps as shortcuts on the home screen, and a native App Archive to remove partially unused apps.

Supported smartphones and download links

Supported smartphones start from the Pixel 6, 6a, and 6 Pro up to the latest Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro. Manual installation files are available at the following addresses:

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