Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rsa closed, Amnesty: “If prolonged restrictions are a source of cognitive impairment, then there is a violation of the right to health.”


The Chief of state Reopen facilities that house the elderly, who are not self-sufficient. Stabbing – provocation to the chief RepublicSergio Mattarella, from Comitato open Rsa now“Go to RSA, with the necessary precautions, and make sure the structures are open,” said the Orsan chief, Dario Francolino. “We need a code, he can do it. If he gives Mattarella the example, we are sure that, with the domino effect, the RSA will open and we will finally be able to embrace our loved ones,” he says at the same hours that Amnesty International He puts his finger in the violation wound The right to health It is undermined by prolonged isolation.

On Friday he addressed Francolino. “the pope, To the chief European Commission, The Italian Parliament, The President of the Republic, The Prime Minister, To the chief State and Territories Conferenceon head Civil protection, The An exceptional commissioner for a Covid emergency And al Cts Coordinator“The request was the same a few days ago: an urgent decree from the Ministry of Health” requires, throughout Italy, to reopen in Visits face to face Of family members More than 350 thousand guests Get hospitalized in RSA and RSD, no more Partition wallsAnd the Hug rooms e Video calls“.

For its part, the der Roberto Speranza Make it known through the former Undersecretary Sandra Zamba This, if necessary, ”Top ranking base Because at the moment what regulates RSA is only openings and closures Two circulars. “Elderly people have full rights to see their loved ones safely. So if what has been accomplished is not enough, we will set a higher standard and work to define it. The most convincing tool This is not Leave an excuse Zamba said. An indication of the structures that will hide behind Covid, according to the ministry’s sources Cover up their flaws In terms of services, cleanliness and presence Unvaccinated individuals. But also for regions that did not implement ministerial circulars at the end of 2020. The rule mentioned by the Speranza advisor must be included in the first legislative text under issuance, and the ministry still includes.

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At the same hours, Frankolino asked, “A. Standard provision Throughout the National Territory puts an end to the discretion of individual territories and health departments on this issue, “decree by Friday evening”, otherwise it would mean that the issue of RSA guests – 98% of vaccinations – is of no importance to anyone. “ALTERNATIVES FOR face-to-face meetings” Why Longer hold up. “Missing Aggregate“The ability to speak freely, without fear of retaliation.” Frankolino says there are many, “A. You don’t want to expose yourself Specifically for these concerns. “

“I have complete confidence in the Hulk and in all of the RSA operators where my mother is – he confirms this – but many others don’t do that, and they don’t pose their faces against it.” The “Hug roomBecause it is not a “real possibility to embrace a parent.” Since the formation of the committee on April 16, the number of members has reached 700. “More than 90% of the structures – as President Orsan confirms – are now Covid-free and today it is not difficult to reduce the risks as much Possible. I fear There is a lack of political will To deal with the stories of the vulnerable and their families. “

Sure, times of politics are not old age days, and some are literally numbered days. However, it is true that something has started moving in the last few days. As this newspaper predicted on Tuesday, April 27, the vice president of Lombardy, Letizia MuratIThis week, he put out a proposal to open RSA to State and Territories Conference Which was accepted. “We have a meeting like Health Advisors Tuesday, on the agenda, we as the Lombardy region have a platform that can be one a program To look, we definitely need that National indicators“Happy Friday Moratti.

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In particular, what is required of Central level It is the abolition of the rule that was also implemented by the recent decree of the reopening, which is attributed to him Appreciation of medical directors Of structures Entry permit From relatives and visitors. Which time has come to define objective criteria in harmony with the regions and CTS, as is the case with restaurants, gyms and cinemas, with reference to, for example, levels More or less freedom In terms of distance, time and devices compared to Tambunatura It’s the Complete the vaccination course From a visitor who meets an elderly person who has been vaccinated in a community of vaccinated seniors who are cared for by employees who must be vaccinated by law 100% Sure something is moving, but there is still a long way to go, even if only once Policy maker They seem to agree, at least with words, on the need to take one Joint decision And its purposes.

After all, now it became clear to everyone what it was National guarantor of the rights of persons deprived of personal freedom Emphasized over a month ago, voicing concern about the possibility that it might be Access blocked as well as that When you go out, Generalized and predetermined, may have adverse effects on: Protecting people’s rights Elderly residents, she remembers Friday night Amnesty International. It is no coincidence that in March the guarantor sent a letter to the provincial presidents in order to Request examination or review On the correct implementation of the new rules that define methods of communication between elderly or disabled guests and their loved ones, with an emphasis on The incarceration continues For residents of retirement homes – even in the presence of spaces that can be equipped to prevent infection, or for the possible organization of times and methods of visits, which is a duty in all stages of the epidemic – case formation can be determined Actual deprivation of liberty Of the people themselves. “

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Not only. According to Amnesty International, which is citing positive examples across Europe, where the restrictions imposed “caused a Cognitive decline Based on Psychological health Of the population, these also make up one Violation of the right to health. The inability of the government to ensure that the establishment residents are protected from itArbitrary interference On these rights violates its obligations under Sido And others International agreements For human rights ratified by Italy. “

Consequently, for the International Organization for Human Rights, “It is imperative and urgent for the Ministry of Health to ensure that these rights are respected Immediately in place Mechanisms that allow effective implementation of Circular 30 November 2020, And providing guidance for visits to the structures they place in the center The interest of older guests, Taking into account the different sources of exposure and potential risk mitigation measures – such as more frequent swabs of healthcare workers, residents, and visitors, and access to appropriate Dpi protocols to reduce the risk of infection and Determining priorities for vaccinations For caregivers of elderly residents. “


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