Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Request for disclosure of documents”


Case Tare reports, journalist Sigfrido Ranucci condemns in a long Facebook post the choice to request GDF documents

Even with the lights out, he continues to carry the case I fired report Around Brothers Iggy and Agron Ginty Tare, who was accused by Rai 3 of running a network of betting centers in Albania. The Lazio director and his brother asked the editorial staff to see the documents that the program used to build the service. These are the words of condemnation of the conductor of the orchestra Siegfried Ranucci on Facebook.

«After LEGA lawyer ANDREA MASCETTI now also brothers, sports director of Lazio and now former brother of the console, VICEMINISTRO asks ALBANESE to provide horrific acts used by the reports, in part, I realized how many still, unfortunately even among colleagues, did not understand very well. The fictitious sentence of the TAR, which equates journalists who work in opinion with public administration officials, has already become a precedent. Lawyers for Agron (Ginti) Tari, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania, sent a report with a request for investigation documents to the Bari Public Prosecutor’s Office, because he was also considered a public administration, and was reported by the program in the context of the investigation “The Greatness and Misery of Football Masters”, which revealed that Some possible links between the Agron brothers and Igli Tari (Lazio sporting director) with a bookmaker in Albania. Motivated by reference to the rule of Lazio. The Regional Administrative Court that obliges the report to hand over the documents collected in the investigation of the new Lombard Tangentopoli. It is also clear this time that we will follow the law that protects the press. We will oppose. But the effects of the tar rule are being felt in terms of the increase in legal costs that the public service must bear to protect the freedom of the press for journalists.».

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