Saturday, July 27, 2024

Quote 102 for one year only, lower citizenship income after two rejections


Check “decal” RDC should be progressive, from second rejection onwards, but cut-off percentages have not yet been established. On Thursday the Cabinet should go down then Competition Law.

From M5s OK “Subject to” changes in income

The direction is “correct”, especially with regard to tightening controls, but to give a final assessment, the 5-Star Movement reserves the right to assess the “general balance” of changes in citizenship income. The head of the M5S delegation, Stefano Patuanelli, was to say so during the control room.

about the topic annuitiesIt was also emphasized during the meeting that the woman’s option would be extended for a year, and the social monkey option had also been extended to include new categories of stressful jobs. The university is satisfied. “No back to Fornero . lawHeading toward retirement at 64 (instead of 67) while maintaining 38
years of contributions. In addition, there will be a dedicated fund of $500 million to accompany some classes for an early exit from the world of work with Quota100 rules,” Carroccio told.

Superbonos Villas with Roof 25 thousand Euro Easy

An extension of the 110% Super Bonus also goes to single-family homes for the whole of 2022, but with an Isee cap for owners of up to €25,000, and therefore limited, as shown, only to first homes. “As we have requested, the extension of the Superbonus will also be extended to single-family units. The scale devised by the M5s is, according to estimates, equal to 12 billion GDP and 150,000 jobs per year. This means growth and sustainability.” Thus, the leader of the 5-star movement, Giuseppe Conte, is on Twitter.

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Towards a 60% Facade Bonus in 2022 The interface bonus must be renewed throughout 2022 but at 60%. It is learned from government sources. Today the reward for facades has a rate of 90%: in the premise of the draft budget document, the measure was scheduled not to be renewed, while now it is confirmed at a reduced rate.

Towards stopping cashback, which was canceled in 2022 Towards the final stop for cashback. The procedure, which began last January and was suspended in the second half of this year, will be canceled, as has been learned. This action was also scheduled for the first half of 2022 and 1.5 billion is still available.


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