Saturday, July 27, 2024

Quirinal, first vote. We go for black smoke


A day full of meetings and conversations, however, with no end in sight. First ballot for election President of the Republic Going towards black smoke: Parties, despite a hurricane of leaders in the last hours, did not find a meeting point on the shared candidacy, so today is an avalanche Blank cards. So the real opportunity to elect a new head of state will be the fourth call scheduled for Thursday, January 27th. Meanwhile, leaders of political organizations are beginning to make the next moves.

You meet them

As reported byAnsa, The meeting between Matteo Salvini and the Prime Minister would have taken place in the morning Mario Tracy. According to parliamentary sources SkyTg24 The Prime Minister’s agenda is to meet all party leaders face to face. Giuseppe met Antonio Tajani, coordinator of Conte Forza Italia.

Salvini met Enrico Letta after a summit with Georgia Meloni. “A long and loving meeting between Matteo Salvini and Enrico Letta at the Lega offices in the Chamber. A conversation opened up face to face: the two leaders are working on hypotheses and will meet again tomorrow“Sources in the League and the Democrats tell us that Salvini will also see Conte.

Center-right “rose”

The center-right acts to give birth to the “rose” of Quirinapoli. Yesterday Matteo Salvini It is reported that they will be made very soon. “Two, three, four bold names“: These are potential candidates, men and women, high profile and so on”It is difficult for anyone to veto anyone’s status“.

Two center-right parties supporting the government, namely Forza Italia and Lega, have made it clear that they will. Mario Tracy In quirine it would be detrimental to the country. Silvio Berlusconi argues that Prime Minister Palazzo should be in Chiki.Implementation of Pnrr following the essential reform process related to taxation, justice and bureaucracy“Salvini is of the same opinion that Troki should be removed from government.”This is dangerous because Italy is at a critical juncture and rediscovering a new government will halt the recovery.“.

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For his part Brothers of Italy Confirmed his policy: he will ask for an early election regardless of who the new president of the Republic is. Georgia Maloney’s party named the former magistrate Carlo Nordio As a possible candidate, but he said he was ready to expand the name list. “To meet the needs of power, to value the will of the people and to other persons who have national interests at heart“.

Central left separation

The meeting is divided into streams of center-left thinking: The Democratic Party Dragons do not exclude the card, on this front 5 star motion Brakes. In the afternoon, Enrico Letta will also meet with Salvini to clarify his position on the Drake and Matterella hypotheses. “I would like to understand whether their position on Draghi is final. Matterella Biz will also be one of the topics I talk to Salvini“, He knew yesterday.

Rather Giuseppe Conte He did not seem too keen on the possible visit of Draghi Kale. The head of the M5S noted that there were no vetoes against him, but drew a line showing how up the road is: potentially the new government could be subjected to an online vote of members. At that time, the participation of 5 stars in a new executive would not be taken for granted. And Conte refused Legislative Agreement Most liked by Letta: “Our first objective is not a legislative agreement and we do not have this formula. I do not like. The parliamentarians of the movement do not want to last until the end of the legislature. We want a contract for citizens“.

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The front of the chlorosis also appears to be separated in conversation with the center-right. From the Democratic Party, harsh tones continue to be leveled at the opposition, threatening more candidates from the center-right. “The same thing happened to Berlusconi“On the other hand, Conte’s position is soft: 5 stars, unlike Pd and Liberi e equals, argue that there should be no vetoes and seizures against proposals coming from the Forza Italia, Lega and Fratelli d’Italia alliances.


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