Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Pu Europa”, Gambardella: “Yes to America against all emergency situations”


“+ Europe believes in two fixed points: Europeanism and Atlanticism. In a reasonable time the goal is to reach the United States of Europe, thus creating a European homeland against the Europe of small countries”, declared Bruno Gambardella, President of Pew Europe with Emma Bonino in the Province of Avellino, during their electoral tour. Campania 2 Senatorial College, and Alfonso Maria Gallo, Salerno-Avelino Plurinominal College A candidate for the House of Representatives.

“We as European federalists propose some points that would allow a concrete qualitative leap in the lives of citizens: a common debt to face health, economic and environmental emergencies; a common European security and defense system; supporting the completion of the NATO 2030 agenda for a defense alliance adequate for our collective security; Uphold international law as the law in place; hand over the management of pandemics to the EU; the European Parliament’s power of legislative initiative; uniform electoral law for European elections with transnational lists; direct election of the president of the European Commission; abolishing unanimity in the European Council with reform of the Treaties. One Irbinia, one Campania, more European Mesogiorno The possibility: we – with Emma Bonino, with Benedetto della Vedova, with our candidates – are committed to this,” said Come. Bardella and Gallo concluded.

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