Friday, September 20, 2024

Prison / Artificial intelligence to convict the United States


A thirty-one year old Innocent He ended up in jail doing nothing. The Surreal story comes directly from the United States and sees its protagonist Niger Parks, who two years ago (February 2019) was mistaken for an artificial intelligence culprit in removing the stars and stripes police. So, when he was summoned by the police, the young carpenter was handcuffed, with incredible charges: Aggression, Illegal possession of firearms, use of forged documents, possession of cannabis, shoplifting, protest against arrest. Not only that: he tried to kill a policeman with a car.

An unspeakable dream, especially since parks actually have nothing to do with those crimes. However, as described in the April 30 edition of “Courier della Cera”, the boy from New Jersey misunderstood the author of the crimes and compared his face to a photograph of a fake document. Found in The place of the crime By a witness. And, paradoxically, that photo matched the 31-year-old’s unfortunate features in all respects, as he spent eleven days in his cell.

Innocent young man in prison: The story of 31-year-old parks

Once the misunderstanding is clarified, it exists Stops anger Although he was completely innocent and did not qualify for prison, he was mistaken for a criminal. A sense of frustration develops when comparing photos of a man with the accused criminal: even the inexperienced human eye will notice that there is not the slightest resemblance between the two, so much so that the two may be the same person, but they may not even be considered relatives. Still, in the United StatesArtificial intelligence His verdicts are sufficient to incite arrest and often the most relevant details are not taken into account at trial. For example, “Il Corriere della Sera” says, parks that day “50 kilometers from where the events took place. He was sending money with his girlfriend and he even has a receipt photo on his smartphone. “. However, in addition to the eleven days he spent in prison, he had to fight for a year to deliberately destroy it, and to date, he has not received any official apology from investigators.

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In prison / 31 year old innocent in the US, artificial intelligence makes him guilty of a crime

Prison / Artificial intelligence to convict the United States

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