Saturday, July 27, 2024

“People who have never been there before…”


The words of the Romanian actress on Radio Capital.

Ambra Angiolini broke silence on the end of her relationship with Massimiliano Allegri. to Radio Capital microphones, ambra He spent a few very eloquent words emphasizing the difficult moment he is going through: “Zero Day is there for everyone, it’s a moment where you don’t win, you don’t lose, you leave again. We turn away from people, who become memories, from those who don’t stay, and from those who never really existed. It is called day zero, because what follows zero is always a beginning and in the beginning there is no known defeat. ”

Yesterday’s gossip exploded after the scoop for Chi. Farewell to Ambra Angiolini and Massimiliano Allegri After four years of love. And according to what the weekly newspaper revealed, the Juventus coach “disappeared”. “It was a blow to the heart for the actress who tried to save the relationship to the end – We read about who – But after a long crisis, it seems that the coach has disappeared.”

Allegri and Umbra He would have gone through a long period of separation and then reached the final rest period marked by absence Angelini at Valentina Allegri’s weddingTechnical daughter. The couple will suffer from the distance. Allegri lives in Turin while he was Angels He continued to live in Brescia, the city where his ex-partner also lives Francesco Renga and the two children, Ricardo and Jolanda. The latter, after the delivery of the golden tapir by Valerio Staveli to Umbra, She intervened on social media, highlighting the insensitivity of the media to a sensitive personal moment for the mother.

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