Saturday, July 27, 2024

Pensions, the Audit Bureau criticizes this maneuver


After a difficult path, it now appears that pensions have found stability, at least in relation to 2022. The financial maneuver contains the funds for the extension Woman’s choice, social monkey and replacing quota 100 with quota 102, But other flexibility measures remain to be developed.

On the subject, however, the at least partially negative opinion of Audit Bureau, the state body responsible for Monitor the status of public accounts, Public administration and all local authorities.

However, this did not stop the maneuvering or discussions about one possibility new flexibility, Which was actually called by the Court of Audit itself. Unions, parties and the government continue to negotiate the possible future of the social security system after 2022, and are looking for an agreement on the recalculation of the contribution. Meanwhile, pensions for December registered an increase thanks to Christmas bonus.

Annuities, maneuvering procedures

In the financial maneuver, now under consideration SenateThere are three important measures that represent a kind of truce on pensions. The government has focused on more pressing issues such as the pandemic or tax cuts, and has failed to organize an organic flexibility reform, which has been postponed to next year, but in the meantime, it has set some rules not to return for a full year. Fornero’s law.

The most important and controversial of these rules class 102. The end of Class 100 on December 31, 2021 caused a climb up the ladder, a jump in the retirement age that passed from 62 to 67. Five years is too many, it is too unfair that there is a difference between two workers who have fulfilled the requirements one day apart. of retirement age. So we thought of this intermediate standard, with similar functionality and low costs.

The 102nd share will allow for the entire 2022 retirement age with 64 years and 38 contributions, with a mixed allowance account. In this way the lifetime is slightly increased, as are the contributions, and an immediate return to the Fornero law is avoided. This does not mean that the current pension rule remains the only sustainable rule, and it will not be changed.

To support the quota 102 KAN She also confirmed the choice of women, with the same parameters as in 2021. This assertion was by no means a given. In fact, the government initially did not talk about this option, which means that it will not be confirmed in any way. Later, in a draft financial maneuver, he then proposed a modified option for women, with a higher retirement age.

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Sixty years for employees, sixty-one years for freelancers, and thirty-five years of contributions were the clothes that Draghi considered acceptable. But the pressures of the parties, especially the Democratic Party, forced the government to change its opinion. Women’s choice will be emphasized, for the whole of 2022 58 years for employees and 59 for the self-employed, one year window for the first and eighteen months for the second month, and always 35 years of contributions.

Finally, the Ape Sociale has also been revamped. The pension advance for the unemployed and workers of certain categories is considered burdensome and has never been beyond doubt. What was fought a lot was its expansion into new categories, which it did, but only partially compared to what the left had hoped for in government.

Pensions, doubts for the Audit Bureau

On these measures and in general on the general pension situation has expressed itself in recent days accounting office, who did not express fully positive opinions. Let it be clear that the court has no power to stop the budget law. The state budget can only be rejected or approved by Parliament, this is a basic rule of all democracies.

The Audit Bureau confirmed this: “The general assessment of the pension measures is not entirely positive. Since the launch of quota 100, the Court has confirmed how the measure has been in response Not effectiveWith regard to the fiscal balance, the need for more flexibility out of the social security system. With the draft budget law, even if the full adherence to the contribution principle was confirmed, the strong uncertainty that arose in the system after the measures introduced by Legislative Decree 4/2019 has not been removed.

Therefore, the first criticism is directed above all to class 102. The Court considers the context of the rule to be uncertain, and insufficiently competent in ensuring the necessary flexibility. It is the rejection of any option not related to the recalculation of the contribution, which remains the only way to ensure an early exit from work.

Speaking of the matter, As mentioned, In the desired direction, the extension of the extension of the social pension, through a Expand stalls.

The court judges Ape Sociale in an entirely positive way. This is it The only rule that can win a full green lightDue to its social benefit and financial sustainability.

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Finally, the court hopes it will be drafted new flexibility, to monitor the state’s accounts, but to keep the system in balance until it fully converts to the contributions system, which will happen when all people who started working before 1995 retire.

Pensions, Flexibility Negotiation

With the blessing of the Audit Bureau, negotiations are taking place between the government, parties and social partners on how to arrange pensions, and in particular on how to give greater flexibility in Exit for workers starting in 2023.

The cornerstone of this negotiation is the contribution system. Any other proposal referring to a mixed system was vehemently rejected by Draghi, who only began discussing flexibility when unions and the League agreed to drop the idea of Class 41.

Which law will be framed by the numerous comparisons made in recent weeks and which will continue for the term of the legislature, will be based on a recalculation of the contribution to salary years, in a manner similar to what is already happening with the female option. Thus, this implies a reduction in the pension allowance that could reach 28%, but it is progress that arrives in the most optimistic proposals. 5 years on Fornero.

This is the idea of ​​unions: 62 years, at least 20 contributions, and the contribution recalculation. Renamed All Option, it is expected to meet government requirements at least in part. A minimum expenditure for the state, which simply has to provide a cash advance for what it would spend if you stayed with Fornero law alone, and an advantage for workers who could choose whether to keep working and take the check in full, or leave work early and lower your pension.

Doubts remain. First of all, the government prefers a slightly older tooth, 63, maybe 64 years old, which makes it possible to reduce expenditure to zero. Then there is the suspicion of poverty: as it happens with the woman’s choice, this law can lead to very low pension provisions, even less than a thousand euros a month. The danger may lie in finding it in the future with many older people living in poverty, who retired with a recalculation of the contribution without thinking much about the consequences.

Finally, in these negotiations, the trade unions and the Democratic Party want to include them standard on youth. In fact, the future of pensions is currently talking about 70 years old for those who started working around 25 years after college. This is why there is a lot of talk about facilitating the recovery of school years, which at the moment has a high cost.

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Pensions, stop golden pension contributions

As for pensions, a slight change has just come from a ruling by Court of Cassation. In fact, a law passed in 2019 the Solidarity Contribution to Gold Pensions, a tax that has been applied to those receiving Over 100,000 euros in total per year for the pension.

“In the field of strict social security, the trend of a Do not expect beyond the three-year period The assessments and decisions that fit into a more limited observational space, as evidenced by the evolution of the specialization of the shift factor for the individual amount of contributions.”

Thus, the Court of Cassation shortened the term of the law from five to three years, and thus the contribution expires on December 31, 2021. On the other hand, this pension equation remains low. The check adjustment for the cost of living will be greater for those with less affluent pensions, and will continue to decline as the value of the checks increases.

Pensions, Christmas bonus in December

For those who receive a minimum pension, the Christmas bonus is 154 euros. It can be obtained by those whose total assets for 2020 did not exceed the threshold 10,043.87 euros.

However, if the person entitled to the bonus is married, there is another criterion. The assets of both spouses must not exceed 20,087.73 € For 2020, without prejudice to the personal asset requirement of €10,043.87.

This bonus, which is automatic and therefore does not require any action by the beneficiaries, will be disbursed by November 25, with the December pension being paid. There is a small class that receives the Christmas bonus, even if it is not full, and consists of those who receive an annual pension between the minimum and 6.850.85 €. In this case, the bonus is the difference between the pension received and this figure.

Editor born in 1994.
She was born and raised in the province of Bergamo, where she studiedUniversity of Milan Where I graduated in history, with a thesis on history the press. In life I write about economics and finance, and sometimes about video games. I am passionate about politics, history, Italian and international football. I write as if Charlie Skinner read me!


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