Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opinion fees and non-payment methods: waivers and cancellation


Rai fee, we don’t have to pay it, but we may not have known: here are all the ways it should be exempt

Photography by Andres Rodriguez via Pixabay

If you have a TV in Italy, you are already required to pay a fee Rai license fee. And it doesn’t matter if we spend a little time on Rai channels. No one will verify this, but the tax is paid anyway. For this reason, many users of Rai who like to watch TV do not see the law of Ray well.

There are many innovations investing in our country, the world of television. It is not only about taxes, for example, there are those who are interested in knowledge How to start the cancellation bonus again. What doesn’t particularly please the Italians, however, is that the tax on Rai license fees is levied directly from 2016, with the additional fees that matter to you Electricity bill.

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It seemed that the farewell came with the decision of the government, and then the transformation. everyone It didn’t last long and in the meantime it stayed on the bill. In fact, the fee is a tax On the acquisition of equipment designated for receiving hearings on radio and television And he’s not even a trivial character. In fact, annually with it we lose 90 euros, which are lost in bills between January and October.

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But does everyone have to pay? In fact, if you don’t have a TV, you don’t have to pay, so there is a possibility to fill in on the web lonliness which must be sent to the Revenue Agency. This form must then be submitted in a PEC manner, a [email protected]; Or also by registered letter to: Agenzia delle Entrate – Turin Office 1, SAT – TV Subscription Office – Post Office 22 – 10212 Turin. This can also be done through the coffee shop.

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Fortunately, the fee is only for the residential address, meaning that if we have two or more homes, we don’t have to pay for every TV we own. As for the exemption, it’s always a good idea to make sure you don’t get distracted and have a TV instead. The agency performs many checks for these cases. But if you only have them computer or tablet, through which we watch TV, we will not have to pay this tax.

Finally, there are categories of citizens who can request a refund of fees, and they are:

  • The applicant is over 75 years old and has an annual income of not more than 8000 euros;
  • a foreign diplomatic or military employee;
  • If there is a double payment by the applicant and another family member;
  • Thanks to self-certification of no possession of televisions;
  • Any other reasons specified in detail in the refund request.

Hmm then exemptthe handicapped civilians in the nursing home; Armed Forces men. NATO men. foreign diplomats and consuls; The activity in which television repair work is carried out.

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