Friday, July 26, 2024

“Only floating.” Another stupid for Kunti


He is another idiot from Giuseppe Conte, who once again brings out (if there was a need) the hypocrisy and ignorance of the 5-star movement and its leader. It all stems from a multi-questioned interview Torsha He did for the head of the Party of Fives. but RegasHowever, Giuseppe Conte proved to have few and even muddled thoughts, because he was able to contradict himself by answering a question that required the direct answer of “yes” or “no”. Among other things, ask the question A Giuseppe Conte I was: “Piombino Regasifiers: Yes or No?“.

To this simple question, to which the former Prime Minister could answer simply by saying whether he agreed or not, Giuseppe Conte preferred to go into an undesirable explanation, moreover, which had a fundamental contradiction within him: “No, we prefer those float timerWhere is the contradiction in this response from Giuseppe Conte? In the fact that the regasification plant mandated by the Draghi government in Piombino is actually a temporary, floating plant. Little consistency or information on one of the fundamental issues of our country, it would not hurt the Parts of the 5 star movement.

The planned regasification plant in Piombino is technically a floating gas-to-gas regasification unit (SRT)plow). Simply put, it is nothing more than a specific type of ship, or alternatively a moored pontoon system that receives liquefied natural gas (LNG) at a constant temperature of -160° by storage vessels. FSRUs return them to their gaseous state in such a way that they are usable for injection into the national transmission network. This is the final component of a system that allows, thanks to the possibility of gas liquefaction, to be exported from the countries where the extraction takes place. LPG is much simpler and cheaper to transport and is returned to its gaseous form for use only during distribution.

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Liquid gas is easily stored inside the tanks of the floating units, and according to the needs, the amount of this stock to be brought into it is determined gaseous state, by placing it in a heat exchanger normally working with sea water, the ambient temperature of which is sufficient to heat the gas back to the gaseous state. Through heat exchange, LNG and seawater complete the process without any contact. This is a proven and safe system, considering that there are 48 floating regasifiers worldwide. If Giuseppe Conte wants to campaign on these issues as well, perhaps it would be better for him to brief himself more carefully, especially about the decisions of the government to which his party belongs.


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