Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cool Sunday, 12°C down, except where the phone blows in Milan; Forecasts in detail »


Weather: Cold Sunday, 12 ° C down, except in places where the phone blows in Milan; Detailed predictions

The sunniest Sunday, but very brightAlthough Sunday Expenditure under general revenue Good weatherWe have to deal with the former Cold autumn and with temperature to lose Even beyond 12 °C In many parts of the country.

On the European chessboard, and between Sweden and Finland to be precise, there is a wide and cold cyclonic vortex that is increasingly pushing towards our latitudes. It is precisely from there that a block of cold air appeared, which is already affecting many parts of our country. The temperature Thus they will suffer more and more suddenly Slip away First in the regions North East More later rest of Village.

After a Saturday already marked by strong instability and temperature Of course more New Especially borne by the regions North He was born CenterEspecially the district in the eastern direction Sunday wind Cold will also reach South Definitely relieves it from the overwhelming heat of these days.

Attention temperature The minimum will be recorded Sunday First of all morningAnd when, thanks to a public return to good weather and mostly clear skies, they will register values In fact Cold For the season, less than beyond 12 °C Compared to today’s values ​​(even single-digit values ​​should be clear): in short, it will be a rude awakening! Except in Lombardy between Varese and Milan, it stays at 16°C due to the phone, then climbs to over 21 during the day.

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So let’s get ready to live day from Party Definitely quieter on the front Weather forecastBut more in hot environment colored. In fact, if you decide to go for a nice walk early in the morning, we advise you to cover yourself up because it can be very cold, especially in the northern and central interior!

During the next week, cold winds from the north-east quadrants will continue to affect our country’s climate, maintaining a cooler temperature at night and early morning. Everything is sweet during the day.

We will come back to this in future updates.


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