Saturday, July 27, 2024

Now Conte is denying the safety rules. But he signed them


The former first Giuseppe Conte He changed his mind on security orders, however his first executive was one of the yellow-green legislative revelations. A decision that was said to be of the utmost importance at the time.

Chairman of 5 star motion Thus continuing to operate on respectable pyrotechnics. In this situation, Pentastellato decided to go through with it An interview was given Courier della sera. Foremost in the past, those actions end up in the album of Pentastellato Oblivion and indeed the errors of others. Because Conte, who was the head of that executive, does not deny, but simply condemns. At the time he was somewhere else, perhaps in opposition.

The position of the lawyer from Voltora Apula is astonishing, while most of the reactions are mostly driven. Matteo SalviniThe former Prime Minister, however, fully supported the Home Minister during the yellow-green administration: “Security orders – Grillino points to the aforementioned newspaper – They scattered tens of thousands of migrants in the streets of the suburbs and countryside. Elimination of humanitarian security – He added – Many immigrants were prevented from entering the reception system, while others were prevented from leaving, resulting in thousands of immigrants becoming invisible.

In short, it would have been a real disaster – as the leader of the 5 Star movement said, in his view -. But what is considered a failure today was produced by Count I.

Pure tax Sui Immigrants, As most people know, has never experienced a bad turn. In the first speech about the faith, which later allowed Conte to rule with the League, the “Italian lawyer” was against “business” “Immigration under the guise of pseudo-unity has grown in all proportions. We are not, we will never be racist. – pointed out, helps to create useful land for security orders –But Italy cannot be left alone to deal with this problem. Tones that can not be read or heard today on the Continent page.

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However, in an interview released today, there was room for political stigma attached to the work of the Northern League leader: “Salvini, as interior minister, failed in repatriation and resettlement. In short, the times when the former prime minister claimed to be “proud” are indeed long gone. Populist, In the process of restoring sovereignty to citizens. The Kantian story may change based on the axis with the Democrats and the space created on the left. Grillini’s new leader did not hesitate to change course, which has been the practice for some time.

The controversy was referred to by Anna Maria Bernini, President of Forza Italia in the Senate.Adenchronos He said that: “Former Prime Minister Conte says everything and vice versa: first he rejected, defined them as bankruptcy, security orders passed by his first government, and then warned that he did not touch the citizen’s income, however, he said there was a place on the schedule that monitors its performance. ‘So, you You can not touch it but you can change it “. Conde’s wavy line is not just me Security ordersBut it does penetrate to some extent all the essential issues that he has handled as Prime Minister.

Chairman of the Senators Come to Italy He pressed for citizen income, he argued “Really tracking (A Conscious Plan) The five-star flag already has a subsidy, and this is negative in terms of support for the poverty that left large families, and above all active policies, because work was not encouraged and instead illegal work was fueled. Rather than being monitored, citizenship income must be renewed. ” Moreover, it is now impossible to monitor Conte’s conditions. When one contradicts his work, keeping numbers becomes even more complicated for statistics.

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