Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nothing will be the same as before, details


Very important news arrives regarding the driver's license and its new format: the new version will arrive soon

Technological development and the increasingly extensive use of smartphones are leading to a revolution that is already popular in other countries. Many documents have been dematerialized and now the driver's license will also come into play

Change everything with the Digital Driving License (Ansa) –

During the COVID pandemic, we had our first taste of how technology and progress can help us overcome some challenges Bureaucratic problems. Walk-in bookings, documents recorded and posted online, and convenient apps you can download to your phone are all steps towards a modernity that has already begun. A driver's license is also part of this process Digitization Which can profoundly change our habits.

specially Legislative Decree of March 2, 2024 No. 19to bear “Further urgent provisions for implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR),” pridect In Article 20, paragraph 7The possibility of requesting digital formatting for some documents. A driving license is one of these It will be available directly on smart phone. Through direct contact with the National Register of Licensed Drivers, it will be possible to obtain all information about the vehicle driver in real time, which also makes Controls are easier For agents.

Digital driving license, the turning point arrives in Italy: how it works and what needs to be done

To obtain a digital driver's license you will need to pass Ayo appdesigned by the government to digitize many aspects Public Administration. As was the case for Green corridor You can then download the document and keep it saved among your files. during SPID and CIE You will have access to the platform and will be able to show your reference QR code.

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Soon we can get the driving license directly on the smartphone –

In short, everything will become simpler and more immediate, even if this process requires certain knowledge of electronic devices that not everyone may have. For this There is no requirement for the total and automatic cancellation of pink plastic cardswhich will still be valid in parallel.

Moreover, at least for now, emphasis should be placed on how to do this This license will only be valid in ItalyBecause it is the result of a national decree. suggestion DrA European directive to establish an equivalent electronic driving license in all EU member states is under consideration but will not be implemented for a few years. Other countries around the world, such as Australia, have already reached the end of the testing phase.


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