Friday, July 26, 2024

North Korea: floods, Kim Jong-un deploys the army – the last hour


(ANSA) – ROME, Aug 08 – North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has ordered the army to intervene to help in areas recently hit by torrential rains and floods that, according to state media, destroyed more than a thousand homes, forcing about five. A person to flee. This was reported by the state agency KUNA, citing the BBC.

North Korea is on edge after the damage from bad weather exacerbates the food crisis that is getting worse by the day. Farmland was inundated, crops were lost, and Kim Jong-un said the country had to face a “tense” food situation in June. He added that the agricultural sector failed to meet its grain targets due to last year’s hurricanes and that much will depend on this year’s harvest.

The Central Military Commission of the ruling Workers’ Party held a meeting on Thursday to discuss the situation. Kim did not attend the meeting, but party officials conveyed from him the message that the military should provide necessary supplies in the worst-affected areas. (handle).

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