Saturday, July 27, 2024

News about space missions in 5 pictures


Hubble captures the galactic step

In the constellation Pisces, two galaxies were surprised by the Hubble telescope when they got entangled during an interstellar Tango. This image is not the only result achieved by the Hubble telescope. After it crashed over the summer, NASA was able to successfully repair it after a turbulent month.

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This interstellar collision was named IC 1623 and is located 275 million light-years from Earth. Despite the distances, NASA and the European Space Agency (European Space Agency) in deepening observation of this duo with the future James Webb Telescope, with the goal of better understanding star formation during such an event.

This image of the binary galaxy was made possible by the Hubble Telescope’s Wide Field Camera 3. Compare it to observations of eight filters ranging from infrared to violet.

© NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona. Author Daniel Stolt, University of Arizona

The heart team : Thomas Pesquet (ESA) and Shane Kimbrough (NASA) International Space Station (ISS)

The power source for the International Space Station relies on a massive system of solar panels measuring 73 meters long and 2,500 square metres. at 8NS ESA’s Thomas Pesquet and NASA’s Shane Kimbra have been caught maneuvering through the vacuum to install a P-6 beam.

The International Space Station’s four solar panels generate 84 to 120 kilowatts, which corresponds to not having enough power to power more than 40 homes. At least 60% of the energy produced by the panels is stored in batteries.

OSIRIS-REx says ‘goodbye’ to asteroid Bennu before it leaps into the void

Osiris Rex mission o Resources – Spectral Interpretation – Asset Identification – Safety – Oregon Explorer (PRO) Focus on one basic action: return a sample of the asteroid Bennu to Earth

OSIRIS-REx was launched in 2016 and spent two years in space aboard a near-Earth asteroid (an asteroid that crosses Earth’s orbit). On April 9, 2021, the spacecraft commemorated the end of this beautiful relationship as it watched her boyfriend Bennu for the last time before plunging into complete darkness and heading back to Earth at the end of May. Reach our planet and deliver C The expected samples for scientists have been determined in 2023.


© NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona. Author Daniel Stolt, University of Arizona

The polar dunes of Mars have been captured Mars reconnaissance vehicle (MRO)

On July 28, 2021, the investigation Mars reconnaissance vehicle NASA (MRO) was flying over the poles of Mars. During this maneuver, I was able to photograph the dunes thanks to the HIRISE telescope, also known as morata Sand dunes that form an elongated crescent in the wind. Contains frozen carbon dioxide. When it melts, black sand becomes visible in the light and mysterious shapes appear.

If you didn’t know, you might have guessed it: This probe is examining the geology of Mars for any evidence of water or thermal activity (underground circulation). To succeed in these various tasks, MRO also possesses radars, radiometers and spectrophotometers, which have made it possible to examine the mineral composition and soil geology.

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MRO has also been an essential aid to other missions to Mars. Launched in 2005, it has made it possible to identify the best lands for rover landings and the most interesting locations for sample recovery.


©NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona

The Palm for Best Rock Group: Rover Curiosity

After a 26-kilometre, 9-year expedition, Curiosity already has 32 Martian rock samples in its collection. The purpose of collecting these samples is to find signs of life. By analyzing the mineral, chemical and physical composition of the rocks, NASA and the JPL-Caltech Institute are trying to understand how the climate of the Red Planet has evolved. In fact, the area the spacecraft is exploring is one of the driest on the planet, but the presence of mud could warn scientists of past lake formations. This set of photos was signed by a robotic arm Photographing the lens of the hand of Mars.


© NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS

Originally Posted on 08/30/2021


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