Saturday, July 27, 2024

New Deputy Division Director Pam Milroy – Faith and Reason


NASA: New Deputy Administrator Pam Milroy’s swearing-in video.

Pam Melroy, the new deputy director of the US Space Agency, took office on Monday, June 21, 2021. She was sworn in by NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. The ceremony was held at NASA’s Mary W. Jackson headquarters in Washington.

President Joseph Biden appointed Pam Milroy as deputy administrator of NASA in April. The US Senate confirmed the appointment on June 17. As NASA Administrator Nelson explained, “Milroy is responsible for giving leadership, planning, and overall policy direction” to the US space agency.

Military pilot and astronaut, Pam Melroy, is one of only two women to have piloted a space shuttle, and has spent more than 38 days in space on three missions to assemble the International Space Station. He is currently an independent consultant and a member of the National Space Council’s Users Advisory Group. Having spent more than twenty years in the Air Force and as an astronaut at NASA, Melroy has held leadership positions at technology companies such as Lockheed Martin and Nova Systems Pty, Australia. He has worked for organizations and agencies such as the Federal Aviation Administration and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. She was a consultant to the Australian Space Agency.


  • Produttore Video: Lacey Young
  • musica: Universal Production Music.



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