Saturday, July 27, 2024

A NASA satellite that will monitor ocean health is ready for launch


I rocket falcon 9, Produced by SpaceX, He will carry the peace satellite NASA On a cosmic journey for every Study the Ocean health From all over the world. The anticipated launch is scheduled to take place today. Tuesday, February 6 at 1:33 AM (US time, around 6 p.m. Italian time) from the Cape Canaveral Space Station, on Florida.

However, this is a major achievement It wasn't without its obstacles: In the past years to'Trump administration He tried to cancel the mission In 3 different budget proposals but Congress always does this He agreed to finance Saving the future of peace.

the satellite, Its length is more than 3 meterswill reach a distinguished position: It will be placed in orbit 677 kilometers from Earth. Its increase exceeds 70%. International Space Station. From this incredible height, he will be able to use his advanced tools Collect important data on clouds, aerosol (so-called fine particles) e Phytoplankton (Microorganisms capable of synthesizing organic substances starting from inorganic substances).

His mission is written in his name: peace, in fact, is an abbreviation for Plankton, aerosol, cloud, oceanic ecosystemHis mission will be invaluable to the entire scientific community: “Measuring the color and quantity of light will help scientists better understand the types and locations of microalgae, which are vital to us.” Health of Earth's oceans and marine life“, NASA officials explain. They add: “PEACE will contribute to more than 20 years of global satellite observations of ocean biology and key air quality measurements.”

Therefore, the launch of PACE represents a significant milestone in a challenging year for space 10 orbital missions have already been completed in Januarya company Elon Musk Create a recording to Number of launches carried out in one month The pace could increase further.

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Space It aims to achieve 144 missions during the year 2024which underscores the growing importance of Cooperation between public and private space institutionswhich proves to be fundamental to scientific exploration.

For enthusiasts or just curious people, the launch will be visual Live on site website Or on the NASA website: The broadcast will start at 00:45.


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