Saturday, July 27, 2024

Never eat chestnuts in these situations: here are any. “to caution”


The chestnut These are the fruits of this wonderful month October gives us. These are contained, especially when still attached to trees, within a similar capsule usually called a hedgehog: this name derives from the fact that it has many thorns and thus refers to the shape of a hedgehog, the animal.

Chestnuts are very loved by both adults and children, as they are really easy to peel, and once put in the mouth, they can release a sweet taste that is able to appeal to our taste buds.

Chestnuts, in addition to being good, are also sources metal And the vitamins Which is very useful in the autumn period for better contrast with seasonal effects. Studies have shown that chestnuts contain a large amount of elements such as potassiumphosphorous, sulfur, magnesium, calcium and above all iron.

The amount of iron present is very beneficial for fighting diseases such as anemia; In addition to this, there is also folic acid, which is a substance that a pregnant woman must take daily as it helps to eliminate the possibility of malformations in the fetus.

else vitamins Chestnuts contain vitamin C and Vitamin BIt should be noted that vitamin C in this case is in a water-soluble form and therefore cooking the chestnuts themselves can cause significant damage to the vitamin.

In fact, experts advise us to eat it as we find it in nature so that we can gain all the beneficial nutritional properties it contains. If iron is able to cure anemia, then the phosphorous contained in chestnuts takes care of the brain.

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Medical literature indicates that chestnuts are an excellent natural remedy for mild ailments such as worryAnd the depression or periods strong pressure. We can see another beneficial effect of chestnut in the intestines in our body: thanks to the high content of fiber, it is able to increase intestinal motility and thus counteract Constipation.

Many consumers complain of a feeling of heaviness and sourness immediately after eating: doctors advise us that to increase their digestibility, it is necessary to cook them well or limit the consumption of raw food.

Chestnuts, and therefore eating them, do not present special contraindications, as they are very simple fruits. The only negative note can be represented by the high amount of starch present. As in the case of potatoes, chestnuts also contain starch and, if eaten regularly, can lead to hypersensitivity in people who usually already suffer from Digestive disorders Going towards the onset of the syndrome IBS.


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