Friday, July 26, 2024

Names that embarrass Naples – Libero Cottidiano


“Summer decay” scenes with high alcohol content and incompetence a Capri. Night time fighting and front beating Grand Hotel Quisisana, One of the iconic places Move Of the island. These images, which immediately went viral on social media, were circulated by Campania Regional Councilor Francesco Emilio Borelli, who has always been active in looting “animals” that require a few hours of civic education lessons.

In the video, taken from a local site Caprinius, We aim to give them a (small) sacred cause for a dozen supporters. The author does not know the reason for such a conflict. Despite the small hours, there were screams, screams, insults, clapping of hands and even flying chairs. “Shameless self-deprecation – Borelli bubbles on their Facebook page – tarnishes the image of the island Identification and reporting All the heroes “

“It can not be tolerated – the regional councilor always points out – the streets of the island will become advanced hoops, where you can give anger and immaturity. It is time to stop with the tragic number of damages and injuries at the end of each. Evening”. Reported by ThakospiaCarabinieri would have identified everyone who took part in the happy fist fight during the following hours: they were boys and girls “Naples is fine”. Capri Municipality will be a civil party for image damage through social media.


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