Saturday, July 27, 2024

British Airways has reopened its relationship with the United States


After the US borders reopened last week, British Airways completes its first Atlantic voyage from London Gatwick to Tampa, Florida.

Pa services to Tampa operate three times a week. British Airways will resume flights from Gatwick to Orlando on November 19.

This is the first time Gatwick has flown to these locations and the United States since the outbreak of the Govt-19 epidemic in March 2020. The airline plans to operate 23 U.S. airports this winter. 246 weekly flights from January.

In addition to Gatwick to Tampa and Orlando, flights from London Heathrow to Nashville and New Orleans will resume in December.

Claire Bentley, CEO of British Airways Holidays, said, “Orlando and Tampa are our most popular destinations, so we know how much our customers expect to return. Florida is a very different state.

Superjumbo flights from Heathrow to Miami on December 5, to Los Angeles on December 9, and to Dallas on December 27, 2022, will land in the United States again.

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