Saturday, July 27, 2024

More places in medicine, but also more difficult – Chronicle


By Simona Ballatore one in five students this year will be able to secure one of 14,020 places in the School of Medicine and Surgery. Which increased by 7% compared to last year. The National Exam on September 3 – accessible only with a Green Pass, as it is for all general competitions – for 77,376 candidates (including 13,404 in the English Medicine competition with a test on September 9). Ambitious white coats are on the rise (last year it was 58,275 against 12,362 places). Also for this year – due to Covid – entrance testing will be conducted in the county closest to home, with travel avoidance. And the bicocca boom stands out: there will actually be 602 questions to answer in 100 minutes between the wings of the university, but it’s 4,025 (3,842 for …

by Simona Ballatore

One in five students this year will be able to secure one of 14,020 places in the School of Medicine and Surgery. Which increased by 7% compared to last year. The National Exam on September 3 – accessible only with a Green Pass, as it is for all general competitions – for 77,376 candidates (including 13,404 in the English Medicine competition with a test on September 9). Ambitious white coats are on the rise (last year it was 58,275 against 12,362 places). Also for this year – due to Covid – entrance testing will be conducted in the county closest to home, with travel avoidance. And the Bicuca boom stands out: You’ll answer 602 actual questions in 100 minutes in university halls, but 4,025 (3,842 for medicine and surgery and 183 for dentistry) indicated that as a first choice. 729 more than last year, which was still a record with 3,296 subscribers, up 1,076 from September 2019.

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An exploitation that certainly does not depend on the costs of the entrance test in these two years: if in 2019, in fact, a nominal fee of 10 euros was required to participate in the medical options at Bicocca, which were confirmed to be the most accessible compared to other universities in half of Italy (it was The average is around 50 euros), and since last year the registration fee has already been standardized, based on ministerial indicators, and raised to 100 euros in almost all universities – due to new rules on a seat for taking the exam, which in many cases may differ from that given his choice. The participation fee for healthcare professions remains at €10 – the lowest in Italy (compared to the Italian average of €55). Available places in Bicocca are 133 for medicine and surgery and 26 for dentistry: numbers are still provisional, final appointment and possible increase pending. The entrance examination in medicine and surgery (22 places available as well as 13 places reserved for non-EU citizens residing abroad) will see 750 students this year, compared to 580 last year.

According to the district of residence, 2,101 students from Milan are physically ready to take the test at the state university and the vast majority are women: 1,519 candidates compared to 582 male colleagues. Aggregate data – from across Italy – on those who indicated the University of Milan as their first choice this year, and aspire to one of the 457 places available, is still being processed for the University of Milan. Fifty more than the previous year. While awaiting the ministerial decree for the final allocation of places – of which more than 200 at Milan’s Vita e Salute San Raffaele University, where the number rises to 500 – there are those who are coming back to ask for more doctors and nurses and a cancellation from this test that will stop 82% of candidates this year once. other. “In order to look to the future, and look at our health, and the health of our country, we must invest in the human capital of physicians, paramedics and nursing staff. The right choice to be made at this moment is to remove the limitations of the limited number of medical school and all nursing specialties,” spoke Angelo Sioca , President of Lega, MEP from Pavia, on the matter. “The most important asset of any hospital and health system is human capital – he continues -. Then come the equipment, technology and structures. Removing the limited number is definitely a brave choice to make and we must do it above all else. That in the coming years there will be medical and paramedical staff from On the one hand to replace those who deserve retirement, but on the other hand also to meet the peak of any epidemics and all the accumulated processes, diagnostic and prevention activities which unfortunately were created for the Covid emergency.”


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