Saturday, July 27, 2024

Meloni withdraws the suit. Schlain is still defending Saviano


It seemed like a topic destined to be dumped in a few hours, rather than a name change premise Democratic Party remain central and among the priorities of the new session. Congress would end up electing the new secretary, a role he would administer Eli Shlain. In his opinion, a change in the name of the political force.It is one of the issues that must be addressedBearing in mind that any new topic must respect the concept oflabor Party“.

Shlain priorities

Former Vice-President of the Emilia-Romagna Region, interviewed by him what’s the weather like In Ray 3, he launches his race against Stefano Bonacini Clarify the three priorities on which you should focus your recovery actions:First of all, the fragility that Meloni’s government has forgotten, and the right never talks about. Then the climate emergency. Finally, regional inequality“.

Schlein announced that tomorrow he would receive a membership card for the Democratic Party of Bologna and had already declared that he had no intention of giving a new life. Stream Among other things, he got his hands on his idea of ​​management: “I do not offer seats, nor will I sit down to negotiate lists with the chiefs and chiefs of local clubs. We need to bring the sound back to the base, because without the base we forget the heights“.

He also makes it clear that in the event of defeat he will not leave the galaxy, saying that he is calm about the fact that he will not be there is divided In the future. Hence the appeal to a friend of the opponent Bonaccini: “Whoever wins the next day runs together“.”We need a new way of selecting the ruling classShe added. Schlein stood by Robert Saviano Expressing the hope that President Meloni will withdraw the lawsuit and not lose sight of the Prime Minister:Don’t just say how you prefer the opposition to oppose you“.

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Opening to M5S

The former vice-president of the Emilia-Romagna region scored an important opportunity for Saleh 5 star movementWith which fruitful cooperation is expected within Parliament. So the order is to pressure the opponent, avoiding moving in random order and in a piecemeal fashion: “We can find convergences on some issues such as combating poverty and fragility, and now we must start with Parliament“.

His thesis is thatIt would be irresponsible not to work together Parliament about these topicsBut at the same time he made it clear that his understanding was with the grillini.It depends on what their intentions areIn this sense he warned that if they intended to represent the leftThey will find a snag in the fact that someone has always been making left and representing it“.


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