Saturday, July 27, 2024

Meloni, Run as Premier: “Why not me?”. Salvini slows down ministries: names after election


An “anti-conflict” pact to avoid another 2018. After that vote, a section of center-right parliamentarians (thanks to Italy’s brothers) then joins the Democratic Party or the 5-Star Movement to end the regime. “Just Pile Up”, mandated FdI For partners League And Come on Italy. And then an observation Georgia Meloney “The party which gets the most votes in the coalition nominates to the President the person he wants to be nominated as Prime Minister,” he utters in the tone of one who says plainly. So, if the FdI has a consensus over others, “name is me”, the chairman clarifies. In response to those doubting the chances of Palazzo Sigi sitting in the chair, “Why shouldn’t I be?” he asks himself. “What I don’t understand: Why not Meloni? – insists Georgia, to the microphones of RTL – I think whoever chooses Fratelli d’Italia is voting from this point of view ».

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Anyway, he reiterates Melons, “I will not campaign by talking about names, prime ministers and ministers”. The FdI’s number one is convinced of this: it would be wrong to lend the centre-right the impression that it is an empty target. Therefore, he cautions against making any bombshell announcements about the government “thinking that we have already won”. “I don’t want to take victory for granted, I want to fight.” Then he repeats publicly what he has been telling his followers for days: “We have to pay attention.” “Because it is not so important to go to the government: for me – Meloni clarifies – I am interested in governing. They are two different things ». Although she does not hide her faith in the end, the head of the FdI. “I have my hopes, my goals. I aim for the maximum, I do not limit myself, but – he fears – I am too superstitious to make predictions ».
All of these probably have it Matteo Salvini, who has been asking for several days to announce the ministers of a possible green-blue administration before the election (reserving words of respect for Roberto Cingolani, the current owner of climate change), is making a U-turn. “Who will vote on September 25 and what will the Italians decide – minus those who ask him if he has again targeted the Ministry of the Interior – now there are no ministers, prime minister, undersecretaries: we are waiting for September 25 ». And Carroccio president, yesterday in Milan ( “Our priority will be to increase the penalties for those who mistreat or abandon cats and dogs”, thunders) as the visit proves, despite opinion polls confirming the contrary. He has not given up on his dream of winning his partner Georgia in the race for prime minister. If approved – he explains – I am ready to accept the honor and the burden of taking this country into my hands.”

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Naval Block

Then the project chapter, prepared “99 percent”, a specific focus on the issue of immigration: “There is nothing to find, there are left repeal protection orders that will be reauthorized tomorrow morning”, it shows Salvini. dictates that Melons “Although I continue to believe – as he noted – that the best solution is to prevent departures, not arrivals,” he reiterated in parliament. Hence the “naval blockade”, to be agreed with other European countries and “agreement with the Libyan authorities”.
And if Captain A flat tax for 15% of “employees” (“which he promises can be achieved in 5 years”) also insists on the tax issue. With Silvio Berlusconi In his daily web “pill,” he zeroes in on any hypothesis about assets: “Never, ever in government with us,” he warns.
What if the centre-right doesn’t have a majority the day after the vote? The “anti-chaos” agreement with the Democratic Party and Sinkestell is ready: “All center-right candidates will sign it – assures Giovanni Doncelli, manager of the FdI organization – and we see no opposition among allies. On the contrary”.

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