Saturday, July 27, 2024

Maxi-July 2022 Pensions: Who deserves the increase


We’re almost done, in less than a month there will be a very large pensioner’s check. And for many of them, the increase will be even more pronounced. A momentary but very welcome breath of fresh air, Due to hyperinflation. On July 1, 2022, pensioners whose annual income does not exceed 35,000 euros will receive a bonus of 200 euros. All this is provided for in the latest aid decree, also for “first retirees” and for those who in June will receive unemployment benefit, but with the same restrictions (Naspi and Dis-Coll). The check will also be heavy for another reason: the one-time amount of 200 euros is also associated with the so-called fourteenth, which is always paid in July with the same coupon, and which benefits pensioners with an annual personal income of less than 13659, 88 euros.

€200 bonus: check max

Therefore, between the bonus of 200 euros and the bonus of 14, the check that arrives from the first day of July will be more consistent. The one-time bonus of €200 is not just for retirees, of course. It is also up to employees and the self-employed. holders of citizenship income and “seasonal” income will also be allocated 200 euros – up to 35,000 euros of income, paid directly to a pension slip or paycheck. The bonus must be entered in one payment in the voucher that will arrive on July 1 with the entitlement of the pension. The thirteenth audience is intended for an audience smaller than a one-time audience: with the maximum coupon for about 4 million retirees with an annual personal income of less than 13659.88 euros, the “additional annual amount”, the so-called “fourteenth”, which has been provided for about fifteen years .

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Fourteen: To whom do you belong?

The “weight” of retirement on the 14th varies, depending on the years of accrued contributions (by different criteria for employees and the self-employed), from 437 to 655 euros for pensioners who are at least 64 years old and with an individual income of less than 1, 5 times the amount of the minimum pension (525.38). Euros) which equates to a total of 1,0244.91 Euros on an annual basis. In the case of persons over 64 years of age with a single income of between one and a half and two times of the “minimum treatment”, and therefore less than 13659.88 euros in total per year, the “value” of the fourteenth year, also in relation to the years of contributions, fluctuates between 336 and 504 euros.

You do not have to apply if you are part of the following categories: €200 will automatically arrive in the payroll of the relevant employees, pensioners check in the same month, Rdc beneficiaries, Covid allowance and the unemployed. Instead, domestic workers,, and seasonal workers, show business and casual workers, home sellers, and self-employed workers without VAT must first apply to beneficiaries and INPS will continue to verify income and, where necessary, I will check the complaints of employers. So the reward will come to them in September, but clarifications are awaited on this matter.

All the news today

Pension calendar July 2022

As of April 2022, prepayment of pensions to Poste Italiane dedi, which began with the pandemic emergency two and a half years ago, has ceased. The new entry for Inps without filing will take place in July as well. Thus, retirees will be able to withdraw their pension starting from the first “fundable” day, which is Friday, July 1, 2022.

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