Saturday, July 27, 2024

Knowledge of the Epstein scandal. More problems for the Queen’s son


the Principe Andrew He may soon be heard by American investigators, who consider him an important person to pursue the investigation. The character of the son of the queen Queen Elizabeth II It is gaining increasing importance in the case directly related to the US financier Jeffrey Epstein. Reporting Agency ReutersCiting sources close to the investigators.

In particular, the investigators’ interest in Prince Andrew will be directed to finding out the details of their friendship in order to expand the investigation into the presence of possible conspirators. Again according to the unknown person who consulted with the agency Reuters، witness. The moment is now very sensitive and the desire to question the prince fits into a much more complex context.

Early in 2020, prosecutors stated that Prince Andrew “He tried to wrongly present himself to the audience as willing and willing to cooperateHowever, his words did not find confirmation in the facts, for the Duke of York had never before appeared before the inquisitors to make spontaneous statements regarding his knowledge, whether comprehensive or not, with Jeffrey Epstein. Indeed, on more than one occasion he appears to have refused to speak to investigators. The prerequisites for Prince Andrew to present himself for questioning are all there but, as the same source admitted, if that happens it won’t be soon.

Looks like he doesn’t want to talk to usThe person the agency heard said Reuters. At the moment about the Duke of York and his entourage refuse to comment on the rumors leaked in the press. The rumors taking place these days come after Virginia Jeffrey’s conviction of Prince Andrew, who according to her story would have prompted her to have sexual relations with Jeffrey Epstein in a home Jesslyn MaxwellMeanwhile, he is awaiting trial on charges of seducing teenagers into financing between 1994 and 2004.

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