Saturday, July 27, 2024

Judicial Reform, Committee Leaders Conference concludes: ‘Government hopes, referendum tomorrow’. The initial judgments of the Constitution were rejected


After leaving at 2pm, it was paused at 9pm. There is an alternative e Brothers of ItalyFor session approval of the Board Justice reform. The ball went into the hands of the now-defunct committee of chairmen, activities in the classroom will resume at 22.15 and the government must place The question of faith. As is known from sources who attended the conference, the confidence vote on judicial reform begins tomorrow at 10.30pm. As soon as the chamber resumes, the government will raise the question of trust this evening, so two calls will begin 24 hours after the order is issued. The deadline for presenting the agenda ends tomorrow at 2 p.m. The classroom session must then be declared unanimously on each group’s confidence vote by 8.30pm. Voting starts at 9 a.m. Tuesday.

Delegates came to the courtroom immediately after lunch to vote Initial questions of the Constitution Regarding the rules for speeding up processes. As expected, the vote seen The majority goes against the opening questions 357 was ‘no’ and only 48 were given in favor. The text of the reform is shielded and must be approved soon, before the summer recess, otherwise the agreement between the various souls forming the government with a tired compromise can be compromised.

An departure is characterized immediately Philipster by the brothers of Italy. Members of Parliament of the party Georgia Maloney They asked the party on a variety of issues, including the possibility of voting by secret ballot. FDI Process Tips, Thus slowing down the work process. Fdi also asked to include a discussion on the issue in today’s agenda MBS And always discuss today Green bass will drop up With the vote of an agenda to be voted on in the House. This led to a lengthy controversy over the interpretation of the regulation, which was eventually closed by the President Roberto I, Begins the interpretation of preliminary judgments and the interpretation of the voteDisplay of symptoms Is written in the L’Alternativa section “State Penalty” e “Thanks to the Mafia” And choir “Honesty, Honesty”. In addition, representatives of L’Alternativa c’e and Fratelli d’Italia also demanded the presence of the Minister in the hall. Marta Cordobia.

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It should be noted that a quarter of the delegates were present during the referendum 5 star motion Not in the classroom (41), while 8.8% were on the job. First ministers include former ministers Fragaro Weather e Batting Or former Under Secretary of Justice Ferrari. Moreover, only one deputy of the majority, who rejected the preliminary judgments and voted in favor, went against the line: Cincinnati Alessandro Meliccio Who voted ‘yes’.

Only after a vote on the preliminary verdict Public discussion. To illustrate the majority relationship Giulia Sarti (M5S) and Free Frank (PT) has 46 members to speak to, and many FDI representatives are willing to intervene even on a personal basis.


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