Saturday, July 27, 2024

Italian Stock Exchange, Commentary on Today’s Session (May 7, 2021)


BancoBPM, Enel and Leoanrdo are in the spotlight after unveiling first-quarter 2021 financial results. Focus on UniCredit and Telecom Italia TIM

The main indicators of the Italian Stock Exchange and the main European financial markets started the last session of the week with Partial differences.

The time is 09.15 FTSEMib It decreased 0.05% to 24,483 points, instead FTSE Italia All Share It decreased by 0.04%. The plus sign, on the other hand, is l Medium hat from FTSE Italia (+ 0.31%) and FTSE Italia star (+ 0,58%).

Positive closing of i Major US stock indices. The Dow Jones Index posted a 0.93% advance to 34,549 points, after hitting an all-time high of 34,561 points. The S & P500 index rose 0.82% to 4,202 points. A plus sign also for the Nasdaq (+ 0.37% to 13,633 points).

Today with some ideas for Tokyo Stock Exchange. The Nikkei index posted a minimum gain of 0.09% to 29,358 points.

The Bitcoin It dropped to $ 56,000 (about 46,500 euros).

He. She Btp-Bund Spread It’s back under 110 points.

L ‘euro It’s still over $ 1.205.

Securities stand out from the banking sector.

Quiet start to BancoBPM (+ 0,37% 2,471 €)After disclosing the financial results for the first quarter of 2021. Referring to the operational performance in 2021, BancoBPM indicated that the external context will inevitably remain an important conditioning factor. The management indicated that it is currently expected to increase the “core income”, represented by net interest income and net commission, significantly compared to the values ​​of the previous year.

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UniCredit The session started with a 0.96% advance at 9,377 euros. During the conference call to comment on first-quarter 2021 results, Andrea Urcel, the bank’s new number one, did not rule out potential acquisitions, a strategy that could accelerate the bank’s growth.

Enel It decreased by 0.87% to 8,195 euros. The giant electricity company reported the financial results for the first quarter of 2021, a period that witnessed a decline in revenues and profit, which was matched by an increase in investment. Enel management confirmed the financial targets for the fiscal year 2021, announced in November 2020, on the occasion of the presentation of the three-year strategic plan 2021-2023.

A good start to the day Leonardo (+ 1,26% a 7,068 €). The airline revealed its financial results for the first quarter of 2021, a period that ended with increasing revenues and improving profitability. In addition, the management confirmed the 2021 financial projections, which were prepared when preparing the financial statements for the year 2020.

In partial rise Telecom Italia TIM (+ 0,19% of 0.4218 €)After the sharp decline it recorded the previous day. The telephone company reported that explanations reported by the press regarding the contents of the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan), which aims to digitize the country and complement networks, are completely inadequate and lack objective evidence. Since private investment is not enough.


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