Saturday, July 27, 2024

Israel kills the Pasdaran colonel in Tehran


This incident has no clear connection to Sunday’s operation, let alone Israel. However, it must be said that the Parchin Research Center is suspected by the International Atomic Energy Agency that Iran is using it to conduct some experiments aimed at developing nuclear weapons.

Nuclear Energy Negotiations

These last two episodes are part of the delicate negotiating process that has been trying for months to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, then sank in 2018 with a decision by former US President Donald Trump to withdraw the United States. Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossein Amirbad Allahian, in the past few hours, from the World Economic Forum in Davos, called on US President Joe Biden to end Trump’s policies towards Iran, stressing that the diplomatic window is open.

But the US envoy for talks with Iran and other world powers said the prospects for reviving the deal were “weak at best”. Robert Malley told the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee that granting Tehran limited sanctions relief could salvage the agreement and provide the basis for a broader understanding.

In July 2015, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, known as Jpcoa, was signed by Iran with the United States, Russia, France, the United Kingdom and China as well as Germany: the so-called 5+1 Agreement (with the European Union). The goal was to allow Tehran to implement a nuclear energy plan but ensure that it did not lead to the allocation of nuclear weapons. But after the collapse of the agreement, Iran’s development plan for atomic energy was resumed with the entry into operation of modern centrifuges for enriching uranium, amid protests and fears from Israel, as well as from Western society.

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On several occasions, in the recent past, some Iranian research centers They had accidents that weakened their work and Israel It also eliminates the official from Tehran’s nuclear programme.


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