Saturday, July 27, 2024

INPS, Unemployed Women Reward 2021: Requirements and How to Apply – GUIDE


In the Budget Law (the measure stipulated in Law No. 92 of June 28, 2012), a The bonus is 2021 Who provides, for New appointments Dependent Transformations of existing relationships Until 2022, a Contribution Exemption.

2021 Women’s Reward: Percentage of exemption from contributions and limits

This is a 100 percent exemption from Total social security contributions, Subject to the maximum amount 6,000 Euros per year.

The Complete INPS Handbook

Who can benefit from the discount? Who is not entitled to?

They can access the facility All employers are from the private sectorEven non-entrepreneurs (including workers in the agricultural sector for disadvantaged female workers), in accordance with the provisions of Article 4, paragraphs 8 to 11, of Law No. 92/2012. Hence, the reward for the woman It is not randomly assigned to all female employees. To get to it, in fact, it is necessary that you have the specific requirements of the wage worker and also the type of contract envisaged.

2021 Women’s Reward: INPS Clarifications

Through Letter No. 1421 of April 6, INPS has defined some contracts related to beneficiaries’ requirements.

Who can benefit from the 2021 bonus for women?

Access rules toContribution Exemption They are related to three aspects:

  • * The type of employers who can access the feature;
  • * Workers who are entitled to the incentive.
  • Motivating work relationships.

Employment is eligible for incentives

  • Assumptions a Fixed term;
  • Assumptions a Unlimited period;
  • * Permanent transformations From a previous facilitated or unfortunate relationship.

The The condition of deprivation of the worker (Unemployment status of more than 12 months or compliance, in conjunction with other provisions, with the “unemployed” clause), must be respected in order for the employer to benefit from Gives a reward, It must be present on the date of the event for which you intend to request the feature.

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The period of entitlement

  • *12 Months, In the event of temporary employment or the extension of a fixed-term relationship;
  • * 18 monthsIn the case of permanent employment and the permanent transformation of a term relationship that is either actually facilitative or not concessional.

Who is not eligible for the bonus?

  • * State administrations, including institutes and schools of all kinds and levels, state academies and conservatories, as well as educational institutions;
  • * Companies and state administrations with an independent system;
  • * Regions, provinces, municipalities, metropolitan cities, large-scale bodies, federations of municipalities, mountain communities, island or archipelago communities, their federations and associations;
  • Universities;
  • * Independent Institutes of Public Housing and ATER are however disqualified by the Constitutive Act as non-economic public bodies;
  • * Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture and their associations.
  • * National, regional and local non-economic public bodies;
  • National Health Service departments, companies and entities;
  • * Public Administration Negotiating Representation Agency (ARAN);
  • * Agencies referred to in the Legislative Decree of July 30, 1999, n. 300.

The Complete INPS Handbook

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