Saturday, July 27, 2024

India and China win both tournaments on day two – OA Sport


keep going Aarhus in Denmark, The Thomas and Uber Badminton Cup Finals, or the most famous Team tournaments, male and female respectively in the world, are comparable in importance to the World Cup: in a The second day of competitions No surprises and the results are all crystal clear, with five of their eight games finishing 5-0 and two others ending 4-1.

Thomas Cup

in a group C China and India eliminated French Polynesia (Tahiti) and the Netherlands 5-0 respectively, while in group d Japan beat Canada 4-1 and finally the match between Malaysia and England was not played due to the English abandoning the tournament.

group C
China – French Polynesia (Tahiti) 5-0
India – Netherlands 5-0

group d
Japan and Canada 4-1
Malaysia-England Undisputed for England

uber cup

in a group b. India beat Spain 3-2, 5-0 Thailand over Scotland group d There are claims of China over Malaysia 5-0 and hosts Denmark over Canada 4-1, and finally on group C Chinese Taipei team 5-0 over Egypt.

group b.
India – Spain 3-2
Thailand – Scotland 5-0

group C
China Taipei 5-0 Egypt

group d
China and Malaysia 5-0
Denmark-Canada 4-1

Photo: La Presse

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