Saturday, July 27, 2024

In the US, Trump posts a photo of himself praying, but his hand has six fingers


Former US President Donald Trump shared an image posted on the social networking site Truth through the Patriot4Life account, depicting him praying: Shame on the Republican candidate for having six fingers, revealing how the photo was created with artificial intelligence. A gaffe that created controversy and mockery and soon went viral on the internet.


The photo was released three days ago, ahead of the New Hampshire primary, and was retweeted by Trump without much notice. But someone on the internet noticed this anomaly which made the post go viral and within a few hours of the episode, the post registered more than 65 thousand views.

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See also  Mélenchon, in Rome with De Magistris, incites the crowd with a fist, "Resist, resist." and praising the "Italian Communist Movement".


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