Sunday, October 13, 2024

“In the UK he no longer plays football”


Eriksen, former personal cardiologist spoke: ‘In the UK he no longer plays football’

Christian Eriksen, Tottenham – Photo by Dmitriy Golubovich CC BY SA 3.0

Christian Eriksen He saved the most precious thing, his life. Maybe the same can’t be said for him football career. english cardiologist Sanjay Sharma Comment on yesterday’s episode, Noting that the Dane will hardly play Another match in professional football. “Obviously something went terribly wrong. But they managed to bring it back, the question is what happened? And why did it happen?” This man underwent regular tests until 2019How do you explain this cardiac arrest? “, Eriksen’s cardiologist said while he was still at Spurs.

Comfort must be expressed for his condition, of course, but False hopes cannot be given: “I am really happy. The fact that he is stable and awake, his outlook will be very good. I don’t know if he will play football again. In no uncertain terms, he is actually deadEven for a few minutes but he died and will the doctor let him die again? The answer is no. The good news is that he will live, and the bad news is that he was nearing the end of his career, he would even play another football match at a professional level which I can’t say. In the UK it will not play. We will be very strict about it.

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