Friday, July 26, 2024

In his past there was also Paris Saint-Germain


Serie A is increasingly foreign. Even if the English language was already spoken in Rome thanks to the American ownership of the Friedkins. In recent years, the United States has increasingly seen our football as an investment opportunity, and this is also happening around the yellow and red environment.

Rome, Tom Barrack is evaluating entry to the club

In the last few hours in the capital there has been talk with increasing insistence that a company may enter Tom Barrack, a 75-year-old American businessman. From Trigoria there are denials about it but after the approval of the new statute that transformed the football club from a health club into a SAR, something could change. Indeed, in the platform there is the possibility of creating classes of members with powers related to “subjects”, in this case the question of building a new stadium in Rome With openness to potential partners to invest about 600 million.

Rome, who is Tom Barrack: Owner of Colony Capital Fund

The best definition of Tom Barrack It comes from Fortuna magazine, which identified American entrepreneur Tom Barrack as “the world’s greatest real estate investor”. In the past, the 75-year-old California native also held important political positions since he was the Deputy Undersecretary of the US Department of the Interior in the Reagan administration. In 1990 he founded Colony Capitala private equity firm and was still active in politics campaigning for the election Donald Trump.

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Through his firm, Barrack manages nearly $25 billion in assets that include hotel chains, golf clubs, land, resorts, and general real estate, including the famous Neverland Ranchwhich was home to Michael Jackson.

Tom Barrack: Sale to Paris Saint-Germain

The one with Rome This will not be the first approach to the world of football for Barak, who in 2006 became part of the majority package in Paris Saint-Germain, at a time when the Transalpine team did not achieve great results on the field. On that occasion too, his attention was particularly focused on the question of pitch. In 2012 the sale comes to Qatar Investment Authority. His “worst notoriety” moment dates back to July 20, 2012 when he was indicted and arrested on charges of serving as an agent of the United Arab Emirates, obstruction of justice and lying to the FBI.


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