Friday, July 26, 2024

How did the meeting go between Minister Orlando and unions?


annuities: A meeting between the Minister of Labour Andrea Orlando The unions seem to have received positive feedback from both sides. Secretary Maurizio Landini (from CGIL), Luigi Spara (Cecil) and Pierlaolo Bombardieri (oil).

I opened deep Discussion on the topic of pensions And CGIL, CISL and UIL have submitted applications that will now be screened for further endless confrontation here. Now is the time to understand What are the real intentions of the government On the topic of pensions and check whether there is indeed a possibility to deepen the dialogue on the topic annuities.

union demands

The request is for a new one Mechanisms of exit from work Quota experience exceeds 100 and avoids the five-year stair as of 2022.

Trade union demands on the issue pension It is on two fronts. The first concerns the possibility of a flexible exit from the age of 62 without recalculating contributions or, alternatively, 41 years of contributions regardless of age. Other issues that remain open on the front are the expansion of other works ofsocial water And maintain and confirm the choice of women.

In addition to these two basic issues that unions pay, there is also the guarantee pension for the youngestIn addition to new protection measures for the most vulnerable sectors of the population, as well as new exemptions in favor of supplementary pensions. Among the demands of the unions there are also Purchasing Power Protection of pension enhancement, with the consequent extension, of fourteenth monthly payments.

Comments by Maurizio Landini from CGIL

at the end of the meeting, Maurizio LandiniThe Secretary General of the General Consultative Committee for Democracy (CGIL) announced that the government is waiting to see if it will open negotiations on the meeting that took place. In general, it still seems to exist optimism.

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What seems certain, however, is that the . file need answers and obtain it from the government in a timely manner; On the contrary, they will also be willing to start mobilizing in order to continue the dialogue in favor of Workers.

Maurizio Landini also stressed that there is a need for reform that decides quota 100 He stressed the importance of not giving up young workers, including by encouraging new or transversal retirement systems, if necessary.

Cisl تصريحات statements

The Association of Smartphone Operators (CISL) stressed the importance ofLeaving work at age 62 NS 41 years of contributions Regardless of age. Besides, the union fully embraces all other issues.

In this sense, the secretary Cecil He stressed the importance of encouraging young people to obtain supplementary pensions and how work must be done quickly to implement an honest process on costs and Italy’s social security system and to expand the current environment Hard and tiring work.

good sayings

Secretary-General of the UNESCO Institute Pierpaolo Bombardieri He also stated that an imminent collective discussion is expected within the current government.

In this sense, hopes to send government and coalition parties soon Clear and specific answers. An answer is expected that will give certainty to all workers and all workers who are about to retire and have an urgent need for clarity.

discussion on pension issue It will reopen as soon as possible with a new meeting, hoping that the policy will have a short time.

The issue of the green corridor and the unions

The unions speak clearly on the subject of the green corridor: It is right to vaccinate, but a potential obligation lies in the legislation. In any case, neither the basic right to work nor the corresponding right can be infringed Salary.

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In this sense, CGIL’s Maurizio Landini shows his concern about the risk of the green lane becoming one political campaign tool, not a security problem. The virus must be defeated, but without causing further job losses.


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