Friday, July 26, 2024

High pressure will return after Easter Monday but there will be some rain « 3B Meteo


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disturbance April 1 Monday, Easter Monday This will be the last of the Pasquale E series They will close This chaotic sequence mainly affected northern Italy. Soon, high pressure will return to meet us. In the first stage The return will be less decisive and subject to some weaker waves in the Atlantic flow. Actually samples frame a Moderate deterioration In 3rd day of April But the incidents did not appear to be serious and mainly targeted the central-northern regions. In the south, hot weather should prevail Falling temperature After the Easter Rising.

Forecasts from April 4 point to a new decline in the Barrick field in the Atlantic. This is Packing Plunge towards Western Europe and call again African resistance On the Mediterranean. Weather clusters and ecmwf clusters are both a Good probability for this event. The consequences for Italy will be similar More stability Prevailing sun and fresh Increase in temperature, is of local importance. At this point, some weaknesses still need to be taken into account Intrusions of humid air Atlantic origin with some potential clouds And perhaps even isolated and weak precipitation may be of interest North West Regions.

This is Anticyclonic reentry Dynamics would also precede the arrival of the trough in Central Europe, so a Possible deterioration Weather. The Time They are still unclear, but roughly speaking, we are talking about days April 8-9 So with a Weekend 6-7 It is conditional yet mandatory, categorical Prevailing sun. More important updates will follow.

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