Saturday, July 27, 2024

Here where and how it works and requirements


New bonuses and help installing a photovoltaic system Or any other energy system from renewable sources. Good news for those who live there Apuliawhich is the area where a discount of up to 8,500 euros can be requested.

Thus, energy efficiency opens up to families with an income of less than 20,000 euros per year, who can take advantage of the bonus for a more efficient energy system. The measure provides for a fund of 6.8 million eurosfor a family contribution of 6 thousand euros (inclusive of VAT) which amounts to 8,500 euros in the case of a storage system.

A bonus for photovoltaics: who they are and how much they can save

The Economic reward For PV, in the form of a discount, it is intended for users residing or residing for at least one year in the Puglia region. The prerequisite to be able to ask is to have a file I see an income not exceeding 20 thousand euros for 2022. Moreover, applicants shall not benefit from other concessions at the municipal, regional or state level in terms of energy efficiency. 100% Superbonus and other tax credit deduction procedures are also included in this limit.

Those who intend to install a photovoltaic system or other sources of renewable energy (photovoltaics, thermal photovoltaics or wind), can request a bonus upon purchase and installation. Ad reads Requirements summary For the inhabitants of the Puglia region. We report it here:

  • end customers and owners of electrical connection points for domestic use, or owners or owners of real right of usufruct, use, housing or roof right, of detached housing units, and not of housing units located in the territorial territory;
  • End customers and owners of electrical connection points for domestic use, or owners or holders of a usufruct, use, housing or roof right over real estate units that are part of residential buildings located in the territorial territory. In this case, installation on a flat surface, on any other suitable common surface and on parts of the individual property of the person in question is allowed;
  • Residential units, as defined in the Legislative Decree of July 4, 2014, n. 102 “Implementation of Directive 2012/27/EU on Energy Efficiency” (Heat calculation), located in the regional territory, for users related to the consumption of electricity for the operation of systems for the use of residential units.
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attention: Another requirement, technical this time, is power limit The system should have no less than 1.8 kilowatts of electricity. A non-reimbursable grant is envisaged for this type of factory Up to 6000 Euro.

As stated in the call called power inputThe bonus allows you to purchase and install solar PV, thermo-PV, and micro-wind systems. This support does not only apply to independent homesbut also for plants used condominium. To reach the maximum discount 8500 EUR You must also order the purchase and installation of a coil storage systemguaranteeing an additional support of €2,500.

How to apply for the PV reward

To order a bonus for the purchase and installation of a photovoltaic system, you can send a registration request on the specially created telematics platform of the Puglia region ( Application can be completed Starting May 25, 2022 Until August 22, 2022.

To submit the application, the beneficiary must have:

  • SPID credentials
  • Regular email address


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