Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Here we go again”. Peak date-time


Weeks without rain, warm enough to feel the need to say goodbye to winter. Then the bad weather returned. Over the weekend, rain and wind battered much of Italy. For many, the milder climate seemed like a distant memory. Now, ahead of Valentine's Day, a change of pace seems marked. The latest weather forecast is published by Colonel Mario Giuliachi's team. One of the experts on the panel, via a video posted on the day meteogiuliacci.comAnticyclone was really expected to return soon.

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“Here we go again, once again very warm air is arriving on our peninsula”, the meteorologist revealed. According to what we read on the site, the peak is “expected to cross three thousand meters again between Thursday and Friday”. Where does it hit? “Especially the upper Tyrrhenian Sea, Liguria, lower Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and Sardinia. These tend to be the warmest areas at altitude.” “So part of the Alps and the Apennines will be very warm in February, but the temperature will drop again at the weekend and at least a little winter may come at the end of the month”, the expert added.

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