Saturday, July 27, 2024

Here are the stats – libero quotidiano


To that Pd Ellie Schlein, the 5 Star movement is losing support to the same extent Giuseppe Conte. This is a photo taken from a recent study by SWG TgLa7 By Enrico Mentana. Dems, in particular, lost 0.4% on the week, falling to 19.4. While Grilli earns 0.4, this has risen to 16%. The tension between the two opposition parties in the last few days is the key figures. Tensions related to judicial events rocked the Democratic Party in Piedmont and Puglia.

However, it asserts itself as the first party. Brothers of Italy By Georgia Meloni, she rose 0.3 to 27.2 compared to the April 8 survey. Next, after the Pd and the M5s, here is the Lega di Matteo Salvini, It lost 0.2 to 8.6; and Forza Italia-Noi Moderati 8.4 (-0.4). Above the 4% limit, considering the European elections on June 8 and 9, 5.2 (-0.1), Carlo Calenda's share 4.2 (+0 .2) and Verdi-Sinistra 4.1 (+0.2).

Finally, minor parties: Independence By Cateno De Luca it gains 0.4 and rises to 1.9%; Michael Santoro's Pace Terra Dignita gains a 0.2 and reaches a 1.8; Sovereignty and People's Democracy are fixed in 1.4.

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