Saturday, July 27, 2024

Traki-Pitana encounter / Chinese defect weakens Italy: US seeks answers


There is a good personal chemistry and an open political sense between Joe Biden and Mario Tracy. From 2008 to 2012, when Biden was vice president of Barack Obama and chairman of the European Central Bank, there is no doubt that this relationship was at its best during the years of the financial crisis. An understanding was strengthened by this month’s intense diplomatic relations between Rome and Washington.

A half-hour face-to-face interview last night at Corbis Bay in Cornwall, apart from the G7, confirmed all this, even if it did not obscure open issues and differences on fundamental issues. Although some rumors have been leaked, beyond the official reports, we will know more today.

The Prime Minister finally declared that the bilateral meeting had “gone very well” and he also wanted to mark a kind of red line for the use of the parties supporting him. “Since the formation of the government – including Tracy – I have clearly seen that the two pillars of Italian foreign policy are Europeanism and Atlanticism. Is the main theme of the presidency. ”The head of government later added:“ The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank need to reform and strengthen the WHO with a strong role. ”

There was also agreement on economic policy. “This is not the time to take money, it’s time to give it more”: Tracy’s dry sentence Outdated and coherent line proposed by Enrico Letta Echoed in Cornwall to Super Mario’s greatest satisfaction. The words are different, but the summary of Joe Biden’s G7 speech is exactly the same. Of course, even the US president is proposing to fund a portion of the mega fiscal stimulus by paying higher revenues, and it is true that large industrialized nations have agreed to tax multinational corporations, starting with the giants of the web. But this is a question of time and balance. It’s time to dump her and move on. The responsibility for opening the session dedicated to the economy was handed over to Tracy, who did not defeat Bush: “comprehensive policies are needed to strengthen growth and secure jobs”.

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The grand infrastructure project introduced by Biden is not only a political, economic, and objective, it also seeks to become a Western replacement for the new Silk Road initiative of the Belt and Road initiative. European leaders, while formally accepting the US plan, urged us not to push the conflict too far. Angela Merkel avoided mentioning German financial commitment to the New Atlantic Challenge. Biden reaffirmed his special relationship with Great Britain, which has further elevated Boris Johnson, already swollen with pride by nature and the G7’s host role. With the British Prime Minister, the US President spoke openly about a new Atlantic Charter. There are differences of opinion, especially in Ireland, which is very much in favor of Irish Python, which is also on China, but comes in the London order. It is very difficult to play with the EU and especially with some countries, starting in Italy.

The Gonde-led government has signed a document (the only one in Europe) representing a political agenda highly praised by Beijing. Pepe Grillo talking for hours with the Chinese ambassador Precisely during the G7 Giuseppe Conte came out last time, Americans certainly didn’t like it. They know that the comedian has a lot of sulfur ties (for example in the Middle East, in the direction of Tehran), they believed that the founder of M5S is now out of the game, but he is not, which objectively weakens the government. Tracy has distanced himself from the pro-Chinese policy of the M5S, although the question is, is Italy, which is always being tested by the politics of two stoves, at risk of becoming three stoves this time around, in addition to Beijing and Moscow (above all, Matteo Salvini is on fire). Biden is looking for a direct and personal relationship with Vladimir Putin, and if there is a border, the Russian document will become less heavy. You would like to say that Italy is America’s closest and most loyal ally, beyond words, number of actions.

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An important test bed is growing in Libya, where Italy plays a key role in the political stabilization of the North African country and its economic reconstruction. Here a kind of working class may actually be operating: not only the United States, but also the European Union will be leaving the main task to Rome, and Berlin is on the diplomatic side of relations with Russia. This game is just as dangerous as the complex because we know that obese and dangerous players like Turkey and Russia have entered the Libyan game.

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