Saturday, July 27, 2024

Here are the benefits of apples. #3 Crazy: That’s what


Apples are an unusual fruit that has accompanied man since the dawn of time. It is no coincidence, in fact, that the apple spread to the various regions where some of the most prosperous and remarkable civilizations of the ancient world arose, from Asia Minor to Mesopotamia, and its regions of origin, all the way to ancient Egypt and then in Greece and Europe. Today we will see together the many benefits that this great fruit brings to man.

Here are the benefits of apples. #3 Crazy: That’s what

1) Promotes digestion. Anyone who mistakenly thinks that fruit should not be eaten after meals should think again, in fact the citric acid and malic acid found in apples support good digestion. These two substances, which furthermore determine the flavor and smell of any classification of owls, keep the acidity of the stomach constant.

2) Powerful anti-aging. In addition to containing many mineral salts and vitamins, apples are a certified center of phenolic compounds, with an antioxidant function. In fact, polyphenols, especially the flavonoids that the fruit is full of, prevent the formation of free radicals, slowing oxidative stress and limiting premature cellular aging.

3) It lowers cholesterol. What makes this fruit famous for its healthy properties is the fiber in particular, both soluble and insoluble, which accounts for 2.1% of the ingredients. Above all, in apples we find pectin, which is a soluble fiber and very valuable for the body, ”continues the nutritionist. After getting into the digestive tract, it actually forms a gel capable of not only reducing the absorption of the so-called “bad” cholesterol.

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4) Fight both diarrhea and constipation. It should not be forgotten that fiber is a common fighter for the well-being of the gut, able to positively intervene in possible modifications of the microflora. What distinguishes this fruit is that it is able to fight both constipation and dysentery. Then if eaten cooked, not only will it have a laxative effect, but by facilitating the evacuation process, it can cooperate in the treatment of any hemorrhoids.

5) Whiten your teeth. Finally, few people probably know that malic acid is a natural antiseptic and stain remover, and it can be used to protect gums from possible irritation and restore teeth to pure white.


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