Saturday, July 27, 2024

He listens to the appeal on TV and finds the elder from the lost Kotroibo


Before midnight, in the fields of Bagnaria Arza, the 84-year-old man from Cotraibo, who had not returned from his home in the capital, Medio Friuli, set off the alarm and never returned.

A provincial search program for missing persons was activated by the province of Udine and firefighters immediately went into the field with volunteers from the Connors Municipal Civil Defense Committee, who set up a camp site for the search at around 21:00 on Thursday. Connors Municipal Civil Defense Office with Fire Brigade.

His car was found in the hamlet of Ontagnano de Connors.

A citizen heard the appeal broadcast by the TV station early yesterday morning and called the Regional Operations Room (Sor) indicating that a person was in trouble in Bagnaria Arza area.

That is where the research immediately focused. The man was found safe and sound under the medical care of an ambulance crew dispatched by Source. It’s good.

Cooperation between various forces in the field, including the media, allowed this person to be found in time, even considering the adverse weather conditions of the night.

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