Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Green Pass, you’ll do that in the next few hours.” A desperate move to prevent chaos? – Free daily


Matteo Salvini Tried asking for free tampons for unvaccinated workers, received sharp rejection from Mario DraghiBut the trade unions are now also trying to soften the position of the Prime Minister. However, he does not seem ready to concede: his line is clear, it is not right to prefer an unintelligent who has deliberately not wanted to participate in the collective effort.

After a face-to-face with the leader of the Northern League, today Draghi greeted the trade unions at Shigi Palace, including Maurizio Landini, which expressed concern before Friday, October 15, when a green pass It will become mandatory for all workers: “We took the opportunity to report to the government – said the CGIL secretary – the need to Significant reduction in tampon cost and that the tax credit be strengthened to allow companies to face the recovery. Personally, I think it would be a very important fact that all companies, not just some as it happens, should bear the burden of paying the reserve to all workers.”

Luigi Spara, CISL Secretary General, was on the same page: “In the Green Corridor, we asked the government to assess the opportunity to further reduce the costs of tampons, support businesses and work on health and safety. The Prime Minister assured us that the government will decide within the next few hours Any initiatives to this effect.


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