Friday, July 26, 2024

Green Pass, trade unions to the area: ‘Recognize the just incentive to those who check’


fair incentive For employees responsible for public service in Check the green lane. This is what the public functions of CGIL, CISL and UIL Valle d’Aosta require from the regional administration. The unions requested an urgent meeting of the district president, the district personnel office coordinator, Silva’s president and, for information, education consultant Luciano Caveri after requests were made regarding the green corridor commitment.

“We think it is important that this incentive finds coverage with ‘new’ resources, and therefore, at the meeting (highly coveted by Fp Cgil, Cisl and Uil) we will push for this to happen. – unions explained in note – we want and expect additional resources to be allocated For all female workers and all workers. We must avoid punishing and creating inequality among workers, favoring some and curtailing resources which are instead directed to all workers. For public jobs in Cgil, Cisl and Uil, there are no Class A and Class B workers “”.

The first personalities involved in this stage at the organizational and administrative level to verify the appropriate certificates, mention the trade unions, are workers Educational institutions But, in the coming weeks, the commitment will be extended to the entire sector related to services to the public.

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