Saturday, July 27, 2024

Green Pass, to the court of Wallonia is illegal: it violates respect for privacy


The green lane is illegal. The court of Namur, in Wallonia, has reignited the dispute over the vaccination certificate and measures to combat the Covid pandemic. Judges in the capital of Belgium’s French-speaking region have rejected anti-coronavirus measures and ordered local authorities to withdraw the applicable provisions, on pain of a daily fine of 5,000 euros for each day. Citizens of Notre Bon Droit (our right) application accepted.

The victory of non-vaccination over the proponents of vaccination? History seems to repeat itself, but it is not a vaccine problem per se. The Namur court is contesting the privacy implications of the procedure for ordering the Covid Safe Ticket (the name given to the Green Pass in Belgium), which is necessary to go to restaurants, bars and indoor spaces such as gyms. There is also a risk of discrimination for those who do not suffer from it.

In essence, the principle of proportionality does not appear to be respected. This is the crux of the matter. The decision ends up reviving the debate about vaccines, certifications, etc., but in the background there is a possibility that the regional decree behind the introduction of the Green Pass commitment was poorly written. Amending the judgment can settle the legal issue, which will continue nonetheless.

The Wallonia region has announced that it will appeal, which is why, given an ongoing dispute, the Covid testimony will not go away. On the contrary, the obligation to offer it will remain until the final judgment. Meanwhile, the engagement has renewed and the domino effect is feared.

See also  UK, delta variant with 90% prevalence. Of the 42 deaths, 12 were vaccinated.

A similar case is pending in the Brussels court. Charta21 has asked for the reading of Covid testimonials to be suspended. Also in this case the alleged violation of the rules for the protection of personal and sensitive data is challenged.


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