Saturday, July 27, 2024

Green Boss but not for everyone: Unresolved issues


A “yellow” on the green certificate: but managers of operations (restaurants, gyms, cinemas, theaters, etc.) and the staff who work there Duty Do they have a mandatory green pass or not?

What is not included?

The Text of the Legal Order It looks like this: “They are the owners or managers of the services and functions for which Green Pass duty is introduced To check Holding the appropriate certificate. If violated, the operator and user can be fined between 400 and 1000 euros. If the breach is repeated three times in three different days, the business may close for 1 to 10 days“We are only talking about verification, because in Italy there is no vaccine obligation: this means that managers and employees must check with the public, but they are not forced to get a green certificate. News release However, Council of Ministers No. 30 on July 22 says something different: “Green Pass is necessary.”Play or sign in“Some activities, including restaurants, shows, sporting events, museums, swimming pools. At this time, the reaction is different, so all workers must have a green certificate.


There is no doubt that this is a landmine, raise your hand if you understand every comma of the new legal order. According to the information available at the moment, it is also unclear whether employees who go to a restaurant or any other place ordered by the order to show a green pass will have to work there: who goes to the theater or must have a green pass to the cinema, but is it mandatory for the staff who work there? If a user wants to train in the gym, does he have to show a green certificate and does his personal trainer have to have it? If so, whoever is doing an act they will be in practice Forced To be vaccinated, but there is no vaccine duty in Italy: one account client, limited in their activities, the other worker. Tracy never clarified this passage during a press conference the next night. Evidence of this is the 22 July Art Order Act 9 Ps. “I use Govt green certificates“This is valid from August 6, 2021. It only lists all required actions”Access For the following services and functions“, But not the same for managers and workers. The only profile read”The provisions mentioned in paragraph 1 do not apply to subjects exempted from age from the vaccination campaign and to subjects exempted on the basis of the relevant medical certificate issued as per the criteria defined in the circular of the Ministry of Health”, So all those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons and those under 12 years of age have not yet been vaccinated.

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Green Boss starts on the wrong foot

This theme will undoubtedly be addressed in the next few days when we “discover” Contradiction: Dining in the house, customer must show certificate, but it is not required from the staff and all dining room staff? Technical issues: Many Italians are having great difficulty in downloading the Green Pass: Two switchboards set up by the Ministry of Health to clarify the problem and provide information are straw. Yesterday, throughout the day, the message recorded on 800 912191 was heard again and again: “Dear Customer, Your call cannot be answered at this time“. It is necessary to arm yourself with patience, the road looks all upwards.


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