Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gas Italia, imports from Russia to Tarvisio resume: how much is up now


In Italy comes again gas from Russia. For months, Russian gas at the point of entry to Tarvisio’s national grid has fallen dramatically compared to previous years’ quantities, even down on some days, making 2022 the lowest point for imports from Russia in decades. But in the first days of December, more Russian gas arrived than in October and November combined.

Gas from Russia again

In the first weeks of December 2022, more gas arrived in Italy from Russia than in October and November. According to the hump data processed by today The amount of gas arriving in Italy from Russia has increased dramatically, especially on some days, even if the current volumes are not comparable to levels before the invasion of Ukraine.

In October and November 2022, Russian gas imports to Italy reached an all-time low, in what was the culmination of a process of liberalization from Russia and diversification of supplies thanks to new trade agreements with other countries. As can be seen in the chart below, based on data provided by the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security and processed by today The comparison with imports from Russia before the invasion of Ukraine is obvious.

The weight of Russian gas supplies to Italy

In 2021, Italy relies on Russia for 40 percent of its total gas supplies. In general, in the last decade, Russian gas has been essential to Italy’s needs.

During 2022, dependence on Russia decreased and imported gas volumes decreased significantly, constituting just over 3 percent of supplies, as in November 2022. Compared to 2021, the differences are significant: in the 11 months The first of 2022, Italy reduced imports from Russia by about 60 percent. The comparison between October and November 2022 and the same period in 2021 makes the changes of recent months even more urgent: we are talking about a drop of 87 percent, which could mean an all-time low for Russian gas imports from 1990 to today.

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Even if flows from Russia have increased significantly in recent days, 2022 can be remembered as the end of dependence on Russian gas for Italy and Europe. At least the one that is imported through gas pipelines, given that large quantities of LNG – liquefied natural gas – continue to arrive on the European continent from Russia.

Gas from Russia never stopped

For this winter, Italy appears to have managed to balance the Russian shortage thanks to alternative supplies and a significant reduction in consumption. However, the problems could start next year, in anticipation of the winter of 2023.

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